Bunda Indah Masdar (center) Deputy Regent of Lumajang gave a speech and opened the ProKUS KPM Expo Lumajang 2022 activity accompanied by the ITS ProKUS Team Dr. Achmad Affandi, DEA and Dra. Dewi Susiyanti, Head of the Lumajang Regency Social Service.
Lumajang-ITS. Deputy Regent of Lumajang Ir. Hj. Indah Amperawati Masdar, M.Sc. or who is usually called Bunda Indah Masdar expressed her appreciation and gratitude to ITS for its role as a business incubator in Business Mentoring for the Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) in Lumajang Regency. This was conveyed by Bunda Indah Masdar in her opening remarks for the ProKUS KPM Expo Lumajang 2022 activity on Saturday, January 29, 2022 at the Atrium Graha Mulia Plaza Lumajang. Mother Indah Masdar is very happy with the ProKUS KPM Expo Lumajang. Where the participants of the expo stand are beneficiary families (KPM) from the Family Hope Program (PKH) who have businesses. Bunda Indah Masdar hopes that through this ProKUS the community will become independent.
Bunda Indah Masdar bought KPM Expo products.
Bunda Indah Masdar also asked the relevant agencies to follow up on the Lumajang ProKUS by providing technical guidance to KPM. Starting from product standards, packaging and marketing. Bunda Indah Masdar hopes that one day there will be KPM Lumajang products that can be entered and sold in malls like GM Plaza or in modern minimarkets.
Dr. Ir. Achmad Affandi, DEA ITS ProKUS Team said that this year is the strengthening of KPM capacity. ITS provides training and assistance on canvas business models, packaging improvements and sales. ITS also assists KPM in managing business legality and product legality. Business legality in the form of business registration number (NIB), CV or UD. Product legality in the form of PIRT or halal certification. ITS provides tools or production materials for KPM worth six hundred thousand rupiah. In 2022, if the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) continues ProKUS, ITS will focus on marketing and digital marketing. In accordance with current trends and pandemic conditions.
KPM stand with various selling products.
The Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) is a program of the Ministry of Social Affairs in alleviating poverty. ProKUS targets are beneficiary families (KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) who have businesses. What are KPM’s efforts? ITS is one of those appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs as a business incubator in business mentoring for ProKUS in Lumajang Regency. The target of KPM in Lumajang is 300 KPMa. Spread in the Districts of Yosowilangun, Kunir, Sukodono and Lumajang. (sgh).
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