In addition to conducting a study on the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PK-PDPM) together with the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Tuban Regency has published a 2019 Human Development Index (IPM) report in June 2020. Activities This study is the second year of collaboration between PK PDPM ITS and Bappeda Tuban Regency.
During the last 7 years the HDI achievement of Tuban Regency has increased by an average of 0.76 percent per year from 2013 to 2019. In 2019 it increased by 0.94 percent from the previous period, which was 68.37. Even though the HDI value is in the moderate category (between 60 – 70), this figure has exceeded the government target of 67.22. According to the head of PK-PDPM, Dr. Sutikno, M.Si that the HDI value is ranked 27 out of 38 districts/cities in East Java
The Development of the Tuban Regency Human Development Index 2013 – 2019 Data source: Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java Province, 2020 (processed)
During this covid 19 pandemic, the next challenge is how the HDI of Tuban Regency has increased again, especially raising the ranking in East Java. PK – PDPM calculates HDI by considering its 3 constituent components, namely indicators of health, education, and food and non-food household expenditures. PK – PDPM provides recommendations, policy directions, to programs to improve Tuban Regency’s HDI in the following year. Some of the recommended programs include the Population Control and Family Development Program; Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Improvement Program; Environmental Management Empowerment Program; School Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement Program; and others.
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Menindaklanjuti surat dari Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Universitas Padjadjaran selaku Koordinator Program RKI 2024 nomor 4301/UN6.3.1/TU.00/2024 tanggal
We hereby inform you that the provision of International Publication Incentives batch II in 2020 which is carried out
On Wednesday, February 3, 2022, the Financial and Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPKAD) of Mojokerto City visited PDPM ITS