Halal Center

Head of Halal Center:

Dr.rer.nat. Fredy Kurniawan, S.Si, M.Si
Research Center Building 5th Floor
Jalan Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Sukolilo
Surabaya, Indonesia 60111

About Halal Center

As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, halal food and beverage products are a necessity for the people of Indonesia. But in fact, many people have difficulties in identifying halal food and beverage products.

In addition, the halal industry is growing in various countries along with the growth and distribution of the Muslim population. Answering this challenge, ITS as a leading university in Indonesia seeks to prioritize a research approach to check the halal products. This goal is implemented through Halal Studies in ITS. Moreover, the ITS Halal Study Center also plays a role in conducting research to look for substitutes for Non-Halal products that are currently used as food and medicine.

The study center was inaugurated on March 24, 2016, and was approved as a study center at ITS through the Rector’s Decree in October 24, 2016. PKH activities include education, research, analysis, providing services to the community and providing input to the government regarding halal products and regulations. PKH was formed based on complete and accurate halal information needs for Muslim communities regarding the importance of halal products. The results of PKH are expected to be easily accepted and wholelyutilized by the Indonesian Muslim community.

The ITS Halal Study Center has several excellent programs, including:

  1. Preparation and training of certified auditors
  2. ITS Halal Care
  3. Increasing capacity through Focus Group Discussion (FGD), workshops, and training
  4. Research related to halal products
  5. Preparation of national publications through halal journals
  6. National halal Olympiad
  7. Establishment of a Halal Guarantee Institution (LPH)

The ITS Halal Study Center has a laboratory with the following instruments:

  1. Fluorescence
  2. Potentiostat
  3. Freeze Dryer
  4. LCMS
  5. QCM

The ITS Halal Study Center conducts studies and research on halal products, including:

  1. Substitution of Non-Halal ingredients
  2. Development of methods for analyzing Non-Halalsubstances
  3. Use of ICT for socialization to the community

The ITS Halal Studies Center has worked with various institutions, including:

  2. APKAHI (Association of Indonesian Halal Studies Centers)
  3. ISMI (Indonesian Muslim Merchant Association)
  4. Halal-FKIK Study Unit of Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang