Head of Research Center for Environment, Housing, and Settlement: Ir. Agus Slamet, M.Sc. Research Center Building 5th Floor Jalan Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, Indonesia 60111.
Email: pusat_klh@yahoo.com
Research Center for Environment, Housing, and Settlement is an integration of two existing study centers at ITS, i.e. The Research Center for Settlement and Environment and Research Center for Logistics and Infrastructure. The research center, which was inaugurated in 2015, works to develop research, cooperation, and service of science, technology, and art in settlement, environment, facilities, and infrastructure.
Research Center for Environment, Housing, and Settlement is a member of the Coordinating Agency for Center for Environmental Studies in Indonesia (BKPSL) which has a membership of approximately 100 environmental study centers from all over Indonesia. In 1997 and 1998, PLI Research Center served as head of the coordinating agency. While in 2016 – 2018 PLI Research Center was appointed as Coordinator of Commission for Research and Community Service of BKPSL.
The research roadmap is focused on three areas and one excellent research with local ITS funds. The three areas of research are as follows:
1. Settlement Field
Research activity in this field is developed by a team from the Settlement Laboratory, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning (FADP) of ITS. The main research theme in the field of settlement is Sustainability, Affordability of Housing, and Human Settlement and Harmony with Nature. The objective of this research is to produce the settlement and residential design products while preserving local culture and ecosystem. Research topics in the field of environment include:
2. Field of Environment
The environmental research roadmap is directed to the developing Pollution Control and Environmental Policy and Sanitation Technology. The development of pollutant technology includes three sources of pollutant aspects: pollutant contaminants; domestic and industrial liquid waste; and domestic, industrial, and toxic and dangerous solid waste. The research roadmap also conducts research in environmental and housing policy-making and the development of technology and environmental sanitation arrangements. In 2017-2019, this study focuses on handling domestic solid waste, especially handling plastic waste that cannot be reused. One alternative solution to plastic waste that cannot be reused is to destroy it through the combustion process. The environmentally friendly incineration process requires an incinerator equipped with an exhaust gas control unit. To succeed this long-term goal, research activities need to be carried out through various small research topics as follows:
3. Infrastructure Sector
Research activities in the infrastructure sector focuses on areas such as sustainable transportation and material development for infrastructure.