Head of Research Center for ICT and Robotics:
Eko Setijadi, ST, MT, Ph.D Robotics Center Building Jalan Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS SukoliloSurabaya, Indonesia 60111.
Research Center for ICT and RoboticsĀ is the center of studywhich is under the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). The ICT and Robotics Study Center has a vision to become a leading study center at national and international level before 2020. This vision is realized through the providing research and community service activities an information and communication technology and robotics for ITS lecturers, researchers, and students. Research Center for ICT and Robotics has several excellent research activities to support the development of information, communication and robotics technology in Indonesia. Excellent research activities are divided into two funding sources, namely from industrial cooperation and also local ITS funds. From collaboration with industry, the leading research topics for 2016-2019 are as follows: