Head of Research Center for Marine:
Nur Syahroni, ST, MT, Ph.D Research Center Building Jalan Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, Indonesia 60111.
Research Center for Marine is a research center under the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITS. This study center conducts multidisciplinary research related to marine science and technology to contribute in solving national problems.
Research activities at the Research Center for Marine are focuses on answering national challenge inĀ marine science and technology. They are :
Some of the research topics conducted at the Research Center for Marine are as follows:
1. Development of Ship Hull Design and Standard Ship Production
2. System Technology Development and Marine Defense and main Security Equipment Systems
3. Development of Technology for Exploration and Exploitation of Offshore Marine Resources
4. Development of Coastal Engineering and Marine Environment
5. Development of an Efficient and Environmental-Friendly Propulsion System
6. System of Reliability of Systems and Machinery and Ship Safety
7. The Indonesian Maritime Connectivity Development Model
8. Development of Indonesian Telematics and Maritime Logistics