Here we provide information about the offer of “India Technical and Economic Cooperative (ITEC) Civilian Training Program 2019-2020” scholarship and “ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF)” Government of the Republic of India.
For more information about the India Technical and Economic Cooperative (ITEC) the Civilian Training Program 201-2020 can go to the
For more information about the ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF), go to the page
International Workshop for e-ASIA JRP 14th The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through letter number B-6874/II.7.5/FR.06.00/11/2024 regarding Information
In connection with the “e-ASIA Joint Research Program (e-ASIA JRP)” collaboration, the Directorate of Research and Community Service of
Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa Konferensi Internasional Pertama tentang Sains, Teknologi, Teknik, dan Matematika Terapan (ICASTEM 2019) akan diadakan
Acceptance of PPTI program proposals online via e-mail: The uploaded proposal must comply with the format in the