
ELECTICS Facilitates ITS Leadership Pre-Meeting

Wed, 04 Sep 2024
11:46 am
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Dean of ELECTICS Delivers Presentation at the ITS Leadership Meeting

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) routinely holds Leadership Meetings every Tuesday. On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) had the opportunity to host this week’s ITS Leadership Meeting. The event took place in the Prof. Handayani Tjandrasa Hall, Department of Informatics Engineering.


The meeting was attended by ITS Rector, Mr. Bambang Pramujati, ST, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., the four ITS Vice Rectors, Deans, and Vice Deans from all faculties, as well as other leaders. The event began at 7:30 AM WIB with an opening session, a prayer, and the singing of the Indonesian national anthem and the ITS Hymn. The Dean of ELECTICS, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T., delivered the opening remarks and outlined the agenda for the day.


Following this, the ITS Rector provided guidance on ITS’s main programs. In his speech, Bambang Pramujati, ST, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., emphasized that ITS’s primary goal is not just about rankings, but about continuous improvement in all aspects. “The main goal of ITS is not just about rankings but focusing on improvement in every area,” he said.


Leadership Discussions in Focus Areas

The event continued with discussions divided into four focus groups:  

  • Group 1 discussed Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, led by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Nurul Widiastuti, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
  • Group 2 focused on Planning, Finance, and Infrastructure, chaired by Dr. Machsus, S.T., M.T., Vice Rector for Planning, Finance, and Infrastructure.
  • Group 3 explored Human Resources, Organization, and Information Systems Technology, headed by Vice Rector III, Imam Baihaqi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Group 4 covered Research, Innovation, Collaboration, and Alumni Affairs, led by Vice Rector IV, Agus Muhamad Hatta, S.T., M.Si., Ph.D.


After the group discussions, each group presented the results of their discussions. The event concluded with a closing prayer, followed by a social gathering session.

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