
Eternalize the Experience, Professor of ITS Writes a Book About Japan

Fri, 20 Aug 2021
4:53 pm
Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Robandi, M.T Professor from Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

The human brain can not always remember experiences that occur in life. That’s where humans start trying to change these memories in a more durable form. It is the same with one of the Department of Electrical Engineering professors, Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Robandi MT. Starting from a desire not to forget the experience in Japan, he wrote a book called Beauty of Japan.

Writing this book was motivated by the Imam’s desire to immortalize the experience gained in Japan, from studying to becoming a professor. Imam said he continuously records every trip he takes, either as freewriting on Whatsapp, articles, or other writings. “I don’t want to go home empty-handed,” he said.

In addition, he also mentioned that this article is a place to share experiences with other people, both Indonesians and Japanese who are proficient in Indonesian. “Keeping memories for yourself is meaningless, it’s better to share them with others,” said Imam.

Book’s Cover, Beauty of Japan.

Like his second homeland, he proudly shows the Japanese atmosphere to the broader community. By using a narrative style, this writing by a graduate of Tottoro University can provide an intuitive experience of the panorama of the land of cherry blossoms. The book also includes several kanji characters to add to the impression of Japan. “I also do not display illustrations explicitly so readers can extend their imagination widely,” he continued.

Talking about the aspects highlighted in the book, Imam has many things to emphasize. Although not explicitly explained, Imam talked a lot about the culture of queuing. This habit is related to the impression of Japan, which has always been thick with a culture of discipline.

Imam hopes his book can inspire many people, even from the minor things. One example is when discussing trees; people will be inspired to put plants in the corner of their office desks. He also advised people who wanted to write to start immediately, even if only a few pages. “No success can be achieved if you don’t start work,” he concluded. (una)

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