Legal Documents

Legal Documents

There are some legal documents regarding the establishments of Study Programs at Department of Physics. Some of them are :

Regulation of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia about Establishment of Study Program in Higher Education Institution


Kepmenristekdikti 257-M-KPT-2017 Tentang Nama Prodi


Regulation of ITS Rector about Establishment of Study Program in ITS


Peraturan Rektor Nomor 13 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pembukaan, Perubahan Nama, dan Penutupan Prodi PR 11 2018 - perubahan peraturan ITS no 13 th 2017


For The Establishments of Undergraduate Program, Master Program and Doctoral Program at Department of Physics ITS, you can access the page of those study programs at this website.