
Magnetism in Defective Graphene And Reduced Graphene Oxide

Sen, 20 Mar 2023
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Oleh : Admin-Fisika-Indra   |

Departemen Fisika, Fakultas Sains dan Analitika Data (FSAD), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) akan menyelenggarakan kembali kegiatan Seminar Seninan pada minggu ke-7 perkuliahan Semester Genap T.A. 2022/2023 ini, tepatnya pada tanggal 20 Maret 2023.

Pada Seminar Seninan yang ke-5 ini, salah satu dosen dari Laboratorium Material Maju, Retno Asih, M.Si., Ph.D., yang akan menjadi narasumber.

Topik yang akan diangkat dalam kesempatan kali ini adalah “Magnetism in Defective Graphene And Reduced Graphene Oxide”.

Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan secara luring pada pukul 13.30 s.d. 15.00 WIB, bertempat di Ruang Kelas J-103. Mahasiswa di lingkungan Departemen Fisika dihimbau untuk menghadari kegiatan ini dan mengisi lembar kehadiran secara daring dengan cara memindai QR Code yang tersedia di depan pintu masuk Ruang Kelas J-103.





Magnetism in Defective Graphene And Reduced Graphene Oxide



Graphene and its derivatives have attracted growing interest in the last decade for both fundamental studies and their potential applications since graphene’s isolation in 2004. In addition to its high surface area and electrical conductivity, graphene can be made magnetic and potentially exploited in spintronic and biomedical applications.

However, pristine graphene is naturally diamagnetic solely because of its sp2 hybridizations. Magnetism in graphene can be induced by some approaches, including the introduction of defects into graphene lattices, edge engineering, sp3 functionalization, and doping of graphene lattice with a foreign atom. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) particularly provides an ideal platform to raise magnetism of graphenic-based material due to the existence of significant defects and functional groups on its lattice.

The rGO shows diverse magnetic properties depend on the amount and type of defects and generally on its preparation history. In this talk, we discuss the emergence of magnetism of graphene reported both in theoretical and experimental studies, including our results on rGO. Recent topic on the twisted bilayer graphene will also be presented.


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