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Huda Fatchur Rohman, Electrical Engineering Student of the Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology, successfully won the title of ITS 2022 Campus Ambassador on Friday, August 26, 2022. On this occasion, Huda competed with ten finalists of ITS 2022 campus ambassadors who were active students of the 2019 batch and 2020 who have achievements in academic and non-academic fields.
This student from Ponorogo revealed that every day has very busy activities. In addition to being the ITS 2022 Campus Ambassador, he also joined the BEM FTEIC ITS and also became the Laboratory Assistant of LIPITS Electrical Engineering B204. Time management is a very important skill to learn by prioritizing 4 things, namely urgently important, not important but urgent, important not urgent, and not urgently important. Next, try to focus on one at a time and stop procrastinating.
“For future plans as an ITS Ambassador must be a representation of ITS and promote ITS’s image on the National and even International levels,” he said, Saturday (3/9).
In his message, he reminded all students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology to continue the process. Always eager to learn to seek new knowledge and experiences and always show a sense of pride considering that ITS is a campus of struggle which is a campus of champions. In addition, you must always instill an unyielding and optimistic nature.
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