On Saturday, September 2, 2023, the Community Social Department of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Smart Information Technology (BEM-F) held a teaching program for students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Musthofa, Surabaya. A total of 30 Electics students and 31 students from MI Al-Musthofa had fun while educating each other about the teaching and learning process itself. This program is a form of student contribution to the application of one of the Tri Dharmas of Higher Education, namely community service.
At 07.00 WIB, students and students participating in the event began to gather in the field, precisely in front of the Al-Musthofa mosque. They were given instructions to line up neatly because the event would soon start with group gymnastics in the morning. After that, there was a series of games and light ice-breaking aimed at introducing participants to each other and to the event committee. After the atmosphere became more familiar, it was the committee’s turn to provide essential education to the participants.
All participants are given training related to information technology, a skill that is increasingly important in the digital era. Exactly at 08.20 WIB, they were directed to the school’s computer laboratory, where the students helped them do the homework given by the teacher. This assignment requires participants to create personal biodata using Microsoft Word. The hope is that participants will be able to master and become skilled in using this software to support their education.
The atmosphere in the learning session was calm but quite enjoyable, filled with participants who were enthusiastic about learning and paying attention to the tasks they were carrying out. The division of committee duties in each laboratory helps smooth the delivery of intensive learning material. So, participants can quickly understand and complete their tasks very well.
“I’m happy to have played, learned, and received prizes,” said one student when asked about his feelings that day.
Before closing, there was another fun playing session for the participants including the sarong relay and name guessing which added to the excitement of the event. Apart from that, several participants also actively invited the committee to play together using the game cards they had. The event closed with thanks and the handing over of souvenirs from the committee to the host school, as well as a prize distribution session for the participants who actively participated.
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