Unit Kerja ITS

Unit Kerja ITS



Community Outreach Program (KKN) has become part of educational activities as well as community service, but its implementation has stopped since 1989. Given the importance of this activity to become a life learning laboratory in the midst of society as well as one of ITS’ hands in helping solve problems faced by the community, the implementation of KKN at ITS was revived. As an initial stage, KKN started from the villages in the city of Surabaya which focused on 4 themes:

  1. IT Utilization.
  2. Community Problem Solving (Garbage, Waste, etc.)
  3. Formal Education (teaching students outside of school)
  4. Online Marketing Training for SMEs

The above KKN is organized by field 1 and is still limited in place and time of implementation which is only 1 week. Starting in 2020, KKN is the responsibility of the DRPM with the aim of facilitating the integration of activities with community service programs (Abmas), but academically it is listed as part of the Insights and Technology Application Course (Wastek, 3 credits). For this reason, every KKN activity must meet predetermined process and output standards.

The objectives of the implementation of KKN are:

  1. Increase student empathy and concern.
  2. Applying science and technology in a team work and interdisciplinary manner.
  3. Instilling personality values: a) Tenacity, work ethic and responsibility; b) Independence, leadership and entrepreneurship.
  4. Instilling the spirit of researchers from an early age: a) exploratory and analytical, b) Encouraging learning communities and learning societies.
  5. National contribution through activities that can solve problems in the community
  6. As an indirect means in the promotion and branding of institutions

KKN activities are directed to 3 targets, namely:

A. Student

  1. To deepen students’ understanding, appreciation, and experience of: a) Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral ways of thinking and working. b) The usefulness of the results of education and research for development in general and rural area development in particular. c) Difficulties faced by the community in development and the overall context of regional development problems.
  2. Maturing students’ mindsets in analyzing and solving problems that exist in society in a scientific pragmatic manner.
  3. Forming attitudes and feelings of love, social care, and student responsibility for the progress of society.
  4. Provide skills to students to carry out development and development programs.
  5. Fostering students to become innovators, motivators, and problem solvers.
  6. Provide experience and skills to students as development cadres.

By participating in KKN activities, students are expected to gain experience of living in a community and be able to develop and apply academic knowledge. The success of the activity program is measured by the extent to which students have an understanding of the problems that exist in society, look for alternative solutions, carry out socialization, communication, and coordination with various parties to realize the solution they choose.

B. Communities (Partners and Government)

  1. Get help with ideas and energy to plan and implement community development.
  2. Improve the ability to think, behave, and act in solving problems.
  3. Obtaining the necessary reforms in regional empowerment.
  4. Forming community empowerment cadres.

C. College

  1. Higher education is more focused in developing science and knowledge, with feedback as a result of student integration with the community. Thus, the university curriculum will be adapted to the dynamics of society.
  2. Universities can collaborate with government agencies or other institutions in the development of science and technology.
  3. Universities can develop science and technology that is more useful in managing and solving various problems in society.

The ITS KKN program is held to produce students with the following competencies:

  1. Able to analyze problems and potentials in the community
  2. Able to design empowerment programs
  3. Able to manage interdisciplinary collaboration networks
  4. Able to carry out empowerment programs based on local wisdom and potential
  5. Able to formulate accountability for accountability-based empowerment program performance

Sustainable Development Goals

The focus of the Community Service Program is in the form of sustainable development goals (SDGs), including the following 17 goals:

  1. Without Poverty.
  2. No Hunger
  3. Good Health and Prosperity
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender equality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Clean and Affordable Energy
  8. Economic Growth and Decent Work
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  10. Reducing Gaps
  11. City and Community Sustainability
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Action on Climate
  14. Underwater Life
  15. Life on Land
  16. Strong Judicial Institutions and Peace.
  17. Partnership to Achieve Goals

All SDGs activities are directed at strengthening implementation and reviving the global partnership for sustainable development


Since the odd semester 2020/2021, KKN has been determined to be an independent course under the name Thematic KKN (MK Thematic KKN), with the following description:

  1. In the structure of the ITS 2018-2023 curriculum, the Thematic KKN MK in the undergraduate program is an elective course that can replace one of the enrichment courses, while in the academic regulations the applied undergraduate program (vocational) is an elective course that can replace one of the courses. study program (which is determined by each study program).
  2. Students can take the Thematic KKN MK for 3 credits under the guidance of a Field Supervisor (DPL) assigned by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM)
  3. The thematic KKN MK code is UG 184917 for the Undergraduate Program and UG 191917 for the Applied Undergraduate Program.
    The Thematic KKN MK can be taken after students complete the first 2 semesters (provided that they have passed the preparation period).
  4. Registration at the FRS and giving the results of the assessment is done after students program the Thematic KKN MK in the current semester or the next semester.
  5. The Thematic KKN MK can be entered into the FRS after students complete 90 credits (for undergraduate programs), or a certain number of credits determined by the study program (for applied undergraduate programs)

All KKN activities held at ITS are Integrative, Thematic and Solutive (ITS). It is hoped that in its implementation KKN can integrate various resources at ITS and partners, focus on specific themes that are tailored to the problems that exist in the community and provide contributive solutions for sustainable development. To facilitate the implementation of KKN, KKN is grouped into several schemes:

    Community Service Community Service (KKN Abmas) is a program of community service activities carried out by students who join the ITS Lecturer Service Team who are getting funded Abmas, sourced from ITS funds and the Ministry of Research and Technology / BRIN.
  2. KKN PPM
    Community Empowerment Learning Community Service (KKN PPM) is a community service activity carried out by multidisciplinary students with special themes proposed by student groups.
  3. KKN Collaboration
    Collaborative KKN is a community service activity carried out by students with partners or other universities from within and/or abroad held in Indonesia and abroad. In its implementation, Collaborative KKN can be in the form of East Java PTN Collaborative KKN, Nationality KKN, Disaster Response KKN, Tangguh Village Community Service Program, Ministry of Education and Culture Recon KKN, and other KKN organized collaboratively to solve existing problems.
  4. Independent Community Service
    Mandiri KKN is a scheme outside of the three schemes above which is intended to provide opportunities for students to do social activities in various places, through various available opportunities. ITS further acknowledges the activity referred to in the form of Mandiri KKN after fulfilling the existing requirements

a) Values

  • Empathy and social care.
  • Smart, trustworthy and creative.
  • Professional and accountable.
  • Uphold the good name of ITS

b) Obligations

  • Carry out KKN seriously, can work together in a team and fully
  • Appreciate the values and socio-cultural norms of the community at the location of the KKN implementation.
  • Does not violate applicable laws and government regulations.
  • Maintaining the good name of the alma mater
  • Implement KKN according to the ITS DRPM Thematic KKN Guidebook.

c) Sanctions for Violation of the Code of Ethics

  • Reprimand verbally and or in writing.
  • Cancellation of participation as a Thematic KKN student..
  • Revocation of academic grades for thematic KKN courses.
  • Processed according to applicable regulations.


3.1 Announcement Stage

The thematic KKN management cycle begins with the announcement of the acceptance of the Thematic KKN proposal online by the ITS DRPM. The announcement of the acceptance of the proposal is attached with the Thematic KKN Implementation Guidebook.

3.2 Registration Stage

Registration of proposals is carried out by students / groups of students through an online registration system to DRPM ITS by following the thematic KKN participation requirements.

3.3 Selection/Appointment Stage

The registration/proposal selection is carried out by the ITS DRPM assessment team online. At this stage, it is possible to appoint a team of Field Supervisors (DPL) to students who can take the Thematic KKN. Students who pass this selection can then follow the following processes.

3.4 Determination Stage

The Thematic KKN team consisting of DPL and students is determined through a decree from the ITS DRPM and given a letter of assignment to carry out Thematic KKN.

3.5. Implementation Stage

a) Thematic KKN activities consist of debriefing, field activities and reporting that must be completed for 2-3 months.
b) The duration of field activities in the target area or with the target community is a minimum of 140 hours or the equivalent of 3 weeks.
c) Field activities can be carried out online, offline or a combination of online and offline (hybrid).
d) Thematic KKN is guided by at least 1 Field Supervisor (DPL)
e) Thematic KKN is carried out individually or in groups and in collaboration with the community and/or carried out in the village/kelurahan.

3.6 Monitoring Stage

DRPM ITS conducts monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of Thematic KKN through the monitoring team. The monitoring team reports the results of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation to DRPM ITS. DRPM ITS then makes the evaluation results as feedback for continuous improvement of quality assurance.

3.7 Reporting Stage

a. The Thematic KKN Team Leader must submit: final report, activity logbook, activity video (2-5 minutes) uploaded to the ITS DRPM Youtube account, and evidence of media coverage (whether in the form of news, opinions or others)
b. DPL provides an assessment of students participating in Thematic KKN based on the provisions of the ITS DRPM. The results of this student assessment will be sent to the Academic Division to be recorded in the relevant participating student scores.


ITS has seven faculties that become centers of excellence for teaching science, technology, and design in Indonesia.




ITS has seven faculties that become centers of excellence for teaching science, technology, and design in Indonesia.

