
Pengukuhan Profesor

Acara Pengukuhan Profesor atas nama Prof. Agus Zainal Arifin dan Prof. Fredy Kurniawan Tema


Olimpiade Sains ITS

Acara Olimpiade Sains untuk mahasiswa ITS Tema Pada bidang Kimia, Fisika, Biologi and Matematika


Simulasi dan Workshop: Working in a Multicultural Workforce and International Environment

Acara Simulasi dan Workshop Tema Working in a Multicultural Workforce and International Environment Hari


Guest Lecture Series-Research Trends and Methods: Research Trends and Methods in Business Management

Acara Guest Lecture Series-Research Trends and Methods Tema Research Trends and Methods in Business


Guest Lecture Series-Consumer Behavior: Understanding Ethics in doing Business Internationally

Acara Guest Lecture Series-Consumer Behavior Tema Understanding Ethics in doing Business Internationally Hari dan


Guest Lecture Series-Sociopreneurship : Understanding Culture to be an International Sociopreneur

Acara Guest Lecture Series-Sociopreneurship Tema Understanding Culture to be an International Sociopreneur Hari dan


Berita Terbaru

Beranda > Agenda Page 103