Student doing presentation about cyber security
The ITS Information Technology Department Community Service KKN Team held training for teachers at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya regarding the importance of awareness of cyber security in the digital era. This activity was held on October 14th 2023 and was attended by all teachers and administrators at this prestigious elementary school. The training was delivered by the Information Technology Department KKN team consisting of 10 students headed by Muhammad Dzakwan and two supervisors, namely Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas, S.Kom., M.Kom and Annisaa Sri Indrawanti, S. Kom., M. Kom.
One of the speakers in this training, Muhammad Azril Fathoni, said why the topic of cyber security was chosen to help educate everyone, especially teachers who are currently required to be able to use increasingly renewable technology. And it is hoped that teachers can guide students to be wiser in using technology, for example social media. This training is a forum for upgrading the skills and knowledge of teachers. “This is also in line with the concepts and knowledge of the Information Technology Department,” he added.
The material presented in this training includes being wise in using social media, the need to secure passwords, online networking security (wi-fi & browser), fighting phishing & malware threats as well as actions after incidents (update & recovery). Apart from providing material, the speakers and the community service KKN team guided and provided tools for participants in implementing the training. Such as practices to find out whether the email password you created is safe or not, how to update laptops and devices, tips and tricks to avoid phishing and malware as well as providing a safe guide for playing on social media.
Interactive videos are also shown to provide participants with more knowledge and make the training seem more relaxed and easy to follow. Another speaker, Fransiscus Benyamin Sitompul, who is also a student at the Department of Information Technology, explained the types of cyber crimes such as phishing, malware, cyberbullying and child exploitation, cyber attacks, hacking and identity theft to educate participants. Fransiscus also added an example of the negative impact of technology, namely internet addiction, which is now a worrying case, especially among children attending school. “Special attention is needed for children to avoid cyber crimes that can happen to them anytime and anywhere,” he said.
Very positive training and high value
practice session by participant
This community service training received a positive response from teachers at SD 4 Muhammadiyah Surabaya. This positive response can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants throughout the event, especially when doing hands-on and interactive game quizzes. Many of the training participants were able to answer the questions in the quiz correctly. This indicates the enthusiasm of teachers to deepen cyber security training which they rarely receive.
As one of the participants, Aliyatuz Zakiyah as deputy principal of SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya stated that the presence of the ITS team really helped teachers understand technology more deeply. Training like this can make schools more aware of the dangers that can threaten schools, such as hacking and data theft. Apart from that, it can also equip teachers with preventive and recovery measures if cyber crime occurs. “This training is very helpful because it can open a new window of insight for teachers, especially those who are old and have no experience regarding information technology,” she said.
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