Product Innovation

Product Innovation

ITS continue to create product innovation as a contribution to national development. As a university that has been trusted by the Indonesian government to manage its institutions independently, ITS keeps encouraging the development of research and innovation in the field of science. In every research and innovation that is carried out, ITS focuses on applied research to solve problems in everyday life. This commitment bring ITS as Indonesia’s front guard in innovation and technology. ITS believes that to achieve sustainable development, the collaboration between universities, industry, government, and the community is needed. For this reason, ITS always bridges the relationship between the three other development pillars to ensure that its research is able to be realized and beneficial for humans and the environment.


Center for Science and Technology

Among various research at ITS, we have gained the trust of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) to have a Center of Science and Technology (PUI), such as Automotive Work System Center where various revolutions in the automotive sector in Indonesia have been born.


Various innovations in the automotive sector have made ITS one of the axes of Indonesia’s automotive development

ITS Innovation Product

ITS has collaborated with various partners in developing products and prototype researches that are ready to run. These products are then summarized in ITS science technopark, which bridges between research in ITS and ITS partners.

Browse The Latest ITS Innovation Here

ITS has a Science and Technology Center as a form of Kemristekdikti’s trust in the quality of ITS research. Explore the latest innovations in ITS here
