Informatics International Undergraduate Program

Informatics International Undergraduate Program

The International Undergraduate Program (also known as IUP) is an undergraduate program that applies English as the language of instruction. This program offers a regular undergraduate curriculum and provides students with the opportunity to take part in international exposure in one or more of the following activities:

  • Study excursion
  • Internship in an international/multinational
  • Student exchange
  • Summer/short course
  • Joint Degree

International Undergraduate Program Admission can be accessed at registration


University Partner

  • University of Queensland, Australia
  • Curtin University, Australia
  • Tomsk State University, Russia
  • Asia University, Taiwan
  • Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Fontys University, Netherlands

Further information regarding the double degree in the Bachelor of Informatics Engineering can be seen in the following brochure

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*informasi yang ditampilkan menyesuaikan dengan kebijakan universitas mitra: tuituion fee, kurikulum, dll.


Selain itu, mahasiswa Program Sarjana Internasional Teknik Informatika memiliki kesempatan internasional exposure di lebih dari 30 negara. Detail kegiatan international exposure dapat dilihat di link:


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