Informatics International Undergraduate Program

Informatics International Undergraduate Program

The International Undergraduate Program (also known as IUP) is an undergraduate program that applies English as the language of instruction. This program offers a regular undergraduate curriculum and provides students with the opportunity to take part in international exposure in one or more of the following activities:

  • Study excursion
  • Internship in an international/multinational
  • Student exchange
  • Summer/short course
  • Joint Degree

International Undergraduate Program Admission can be accessed at registration


The Informatics study program has an undergraduate study load of 144 credits. In semesters 1 to 5, the existing courses are mandatory for all students, in semesters 6 and 7 we offer elective courses according to the desired concentration topic. At the end of the study period, students are required to complete a thesis as a graduation requirement.

The courses available each semester for the 2023-2028 curriculum are as follows:

Semester 1 Semester 2
  • Calculus 1
  • Fundamental Programming
  • Digital System
  • Linera Algebra
  • Dtabase System
  • Data Structure
  • Operating System
  • Computer Organization
  • Numerical Computation
  • Calculus 2
  • Introduction to Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology
Semester 3 Semester 4
  • Web Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Computer Network
  • Graph Theory
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Artificial Intelligence Concepts
  • Software Development Principles
  • Network Programming
  • Probabilistic and Statistic
  • Automata
  • Database Management
  • Design and Analysis Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Software Design
Semester 5 Semester 6
  • Software Design
  • Information Security
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Computer Graphics
  • Knowledge based Engineering
  • Elective 1
  • Elective 2
  • English
  • Technopreneurship
  • Religion
  • Citizenship
  • Mobile Programming
  • Human and Machine Interaction
  • Elective 3
  • On Job Training
Semester 7 Semester 8
  • Indonesian
  • Pancasila
  • Technology Application and Digital Transformation
  • Professional Ethics
  • Undergraduate Pre-Thesis
  • Elective 4
  • Elective 5
  • Enrichment Course
  • Undergraduate Thesis
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University Partner

Informatics Engineering of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is one of the most popular undergraduate study programs in Indonesia. The ITS Informatics Department offers an International Undergraduate Program (IUP) for Indonesian and foreign citizens. The Informatics Engineering IUP applies the Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Program curriculum with English as the language of instruction and international experience through various activities, one of which is the Double Degree Program at one of the partner universities. In the Double Degree Program, students will earn two bachelor’s degrees: one at ITS and one at a foreign university collaborating with ITS.

The ITS Informatics Department (DIF-ITS) is proud to offer a prestigious double degree program in the Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Program. We offer 6 double degree options in collaboration with Curtin University, The University of Queensland, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Fontys University, Asia University, and Tomsk State University.

With a comprehensive curriculum and complete support facilities, ITS Informatics Engineering strives to produce graduates who are ready to compete in the world of work and are able to contribute to the development of technology in the field of informatics internationally.

Why Study at Curtin University?

Curtin is renowned around the world for its strong links with industry, high-impact research and innovative, career-focused programs. The 2023 QILT survey revealed that Curtin graduates are rated among the best in Australia – meaning we teach the skills and qualifications employers want.

At Curtin, you’ll benefit from our workplace-integrated learning and strong industry partnerships, so you’ll graduate with workplace skills and industry knowledge and networks. Curtin’s five global campuses and education partnerships around the world can offer international learning opportunities, with study abroad and student exchange programs. Collaborate with world-class innovators and industry companies such as NASA and Cisco.

Program Model: 2+2.

Students carry out the Double Degree Program by:

  • 2 years at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, and
  • 2 years at Curtin University.

Special Requirements

  • Minimum IPK 3.00
  • Minimum IBT TOEFL 80 or Minimum IELTS 6.0

Cost Breakdown

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): AUD$ 25,040 / year
  • Living Cost: AUD$ 18,000 / year

Why Study at The University of Queensland?

The University of Queensland shapes the digital future by gaining the practical knowledge and skills to design, develop and analyse computer-based systems.

The pace of change in digital technology is extraordinary. Artificial intelligence, unprecedented computing power, the Internet of Things, Big Data and automation will continue to transform the way we work and the jobs we do in the future.

The Bachelor of Computer Science at UQ is a 3-year program designed to provide a deeper understanding of all aspects of computer technology.

As part of this program, you will combine theory with hands-on experience to learn how to create and analyse computer-based systems. You will develop strong analytical, logical and development skills needed to advance computing and its applications.

With over 50 years of experience in teaching computer science, you will join a university where you will gain a strong technological foundation and the skills to play a critical role in creating, developing, implementing and evaluating new systems and technologies for use in our society.

As part of this program, you can specialise in cybersecurity, data science, machine learning, programming languages ​​or scientific computing. You’ll graduate ready to start an exciting career with skills that are in high demand by some of the world’s biggest tech companies.

Program Model: 2.5+1.5

Students carry out the Double Degree Program by:

  • 2.5 years at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and
  • 1.5 year at The University of Queensland.

Special Requirements

  • minimum IPK 3.00
  • minimum IBT TOEFL 80 or minimum IELTS 6.0

Cost Breakdown

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): AUD$ 50,000 / tahun
  • Living Cost: AUD$ 18,000 / tahun

Mengapa Belajar di Universiti Teknologi Petronas?

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) didirikan pada tanggal 10 Januari 1997 dan merupakan universitas swasta terkemuka di Malaysia.

Kampus ini dibangun di atas lahan seluas 400 hektar (1.000 hektar) yang berlokasi strategis di Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. Universitas ini merupakan anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh PETRONAS, perusahaan minyak dan gas nasional Malaysia.

UTP menawarkan berbagai program teknik, sains, dan teknologi yang relevan dengan industri di tingkat sarjana dan pascasarjana. Program-program akademik kami digerakkan oleh industri, dan tujuan kami adalah untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kemampuan menyeluruh dengan kualitas kepemimpinan dan kemampuan komunikasi yang sangat baik.

Program Pembelajaran Kredit Mikro UTP mendukung pembelajaran seumur hidup dan memberikan kesempatan untuk mengejar kompetensi dan pengetahuan bagi individu, pendidik, dan tenaga kerja di organisasi mana pun. Modul-modul kredensial mikro dirancang untuk pembelajaran dalam ukuran byte, sehingga membuatnya fleksibel dan mudah dikelola, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyelesaikan modul pembelajaran yang dipersonalisasi kapan saja, di mana saja, dengan kecepatan Anda sendiri dalam waktu yang lebih singkat.

Model Program: 2+2.3

Mahasiswa melaksanakan Program Double Degree dengan:

  • 2 tahun di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, dan
  • 2.3 tahun di Universiti Teknologi Petronas.

Persyaratan Khusus

  • Transkrip harus sesuai

Rincian Biaya

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): Rp 158.000.000 / 2 tahun (all in)
  • Living Cost: Rp 3.000.000 / bulan

Why Study at Fontys University?

Fontys is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands and offers a wide range of English-taught bachelor’s and master’s programmes. We have the largest international student population of any university in the Netherlands, with students from over 80 countries from all over the world.

Despite the large student population, education at Fontys is organised on a small scale. At Fontys, internationalisation is a key issue. We offer English-taught education to foreign students who wish to follow a complete course programme and/or to foreign students who visit us as exchange students. Quality is a key feature of Fontys’ vision. We strive to achieve a level of quality comparable to any higher education institution in the European context.

Fontys focuses special attention on the parameters necessary to ensure smooth study progress, such as study career supervision, coaching and the ‘buddy’ system, study and exam timetables, feedback on assessments and assignments, registration of study progress, provision of information and accessibility of teaching staff.

We strive to be an educational institution that ‘inspires growth through support & challenge’. This is also something you will see throughout Fontys, in the course programmes, the teaching staff, the personal supervision you will receive and the facilities available. At Fontys, you will learn alongside others and we will provide you with intensive supervision throughout the process.

Program Model: 3+1

Students carry out the Double Degree Program with:

  • 3 years at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and
  • 1 years at Fontys University.

Special Requirements

  • Minimum IPK 3.00
  • Minimum IBT TOEFL 80 or Minimum IELTS 6.0

Cost Breakdown

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): Rp 210.000.000 / year
  • Living Cost: Rp 160.000.000 / year

Mengapa Belajar di Asia University?

Asia University (AU) didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan universitas yang luar biasa dan komprehensif dengan daya saing internasional. AU adalah institusi yang berpikiran maju, inovatif, dan berkembang pesat. Dalam 20 tahun terakhir, AU telah unggul secara akademis dan secara konsisten menempati posisi pertama dalam peringkat Kementerian Pendidikan dari berbagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi (MOE). Universitas ini menerima proyek kehormatan dari MOE, yang disebut Program untuk Mempromosikan Institusi Keunggulan Pengajaran, selama 12 tahun berturut-turut setelah dinilai sebagai yang terbaik di antara universitas-universitas yang baru didirikan di Taiwan. Beberapa pencapaian peringkat AU antara lain The Academic Ranking of World Universities, US News & World Report Global University Ranking, QS Global University Rankings, Times Higher Education World University Rankings dan masih banyak lainnya membantu AU membangun reputasi internasional.

Model Program: 2+2

Mahasiswa melaksanakan Program Double Degree dengan:

  • 2 tahun di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, dan
  • 2 tahun di Asia University.

Persyaratan Khusus

  • Visa Student Full Degree

Rincian Biaya

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): Rp 28.000.000 / semester
  • Living Cost: Rp 5.000.000 / bulan

Mengapa Belajar di Tomsk State University?

Prioritas utama universitas ini adalah mendidik individu-individu yang berwawasan luas dan berbudaya, yang mampu mencapai prestasi ilmiah dan filosofis yang independen. Staf universitas secara aktif mengembangkan pendekatan dan teknik modern di semua bidang kegiatan, dengan tetap berpegang teguh pada tradisi para pendahulunya dan meningkatkan status universitas di lingkungan ilmiah dan pendidikan kontemporer Rusia dan internasional.

Tomsk State University telah menerima banyak penghargaan atas prestasinya dalam membangun dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, dan budaya bangsa. Pada tahun 1998, berdasarkan keputusan Presiden, TSU dimasukkan dalam Kode Negara tentang Benda-benda Warisan Budaya yang Sangat Berharga dari Masyarakat Federasi Rusia. Pada tahun 2010, TSU dianugerahi status sebagai Universitas Riset Nasional.

Tomsk State University, sebagai universitas jenis penelitian, memiliki misi untuk melestarikan dan meningkatkan nilai-nilai spiritual kemanusiaan dalam produksi dan penyebaran pengetahuan dan informasi yang progresif, serta dalam pelatihan lanjutan bagi para pemimpin intelektual masyarakat yang didasarkan pada integrasi proses pendidikan dengan penelitian ilmiah mendasar dan pendekatan inovatif.

Model Program: 2+2

Mahasiswa melaksanakan Program Double Degree dengan:

  • 2 tahun di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, dan
  • 2 tahun di Tomsk State University.

Persyaratan Khusus

  • Minimal 15 mahasiswa yang mengikuti Program Double Degree per-batch

Rincian Biaya

  • Tuition Fee (SPP): Rp 75.000.000 / tahun
  • Living Cost: Rp 3.000.000 / bulan

Further information regarding the double degree in the Bachelor of Informatics ITS can be seen in the following brochure.

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*information displayed is adjusted to the policies of partner universities: tuition fees, curriculum, etc.


In addition, students of the International Undergraduate Program in Informatics ITS have the opportunity for international exposure in more than 30 countries. Details of international exposure activities can be seen at the link:

Career Opportunities

  1. Software Engineer/Developer
  2. System Developer
  3. Web Engineer/Developer
  4. Database Specialist
  5. IT Consultant
  6. IT Trainer
  7. Game Engineer/Developer
  8. Mobile Apps Developer
  9. Security Specialist
  10. Computer Network Specialist
  11. Data Analyst
  12. Software Project Manager

For Further Information regarding IUP and Double Degree Opportunities

Admin Contact
Whatsapp: +62315995581
Website IUP


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