Bagi mahasiswa yang akan maju ujian kualifikasi, berikut syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Harus sudah
Daftar Dosen Wali S3 Ilmu Kompoter TA. 2122 – upload
Advanced Approval Form for Qualification Session and Outcomes of Computer Science Study Program Advanced
lecturer exempt form for supervisors upload
Following is the List of Completion of the Judicial Doctoral Program (S3) in Computer
Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari, a student of the Department of Informatics ITS, has been
Some people might think that gamification is something related to games. In fact, it
Users enter their personal data on the i-nose c-19 The Covid-19 detection tool made
On March 10th, 2022, the Department of Informatics ITS organized a guest lecture on
Ignoring breakfast or breakfast is often a problem faced by many people because of