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This area of interest offers areas of expertise that emphasize the ability of graduates to do software testing, the ability to manage software projects, the ability to reduce the risk of software errors, and the ability to make game software. RPL's areas of expertise include Software Quality Assurance, Software Architecture, Software Evolution, Software Construction, Software Process Improvement, Software Engineering Economics, RPL Special Topics.
Head of Laboratory
Email: sarwosri[at]
initial, SR
Email: siti[at]
initial, ST
Email: daniel[at]
initial, DO
Email: yuhana[at]
initial, UY
In this area of interest, the field of expertise is emphasized on the ability of graduates to build secure network infrastructure, the ability to build grid systems, the ability to build network applications according to standards and the ability to build network-based multimedia applications. KBJ's areas of expertise include: Mobile Computing, Distributed Systems, Multimedia Networks, Grid and Parallel Computing, Data Compression, Special Topics Network-based Computing, Cloud Computing, Digital Forensics, Pervasive Computing, and Sensor Networks
Head of Laboratory
Email: tohari[at]
initial, TA
Email: bagus[at]
initial, BJ
Email: hudan[at]
initial, HS
Email: ary.shiddiqi[at]
initial, AM
Email: nafkhan[at]
initial, NZ
In this area of interest, it offers areas of expertise that emphasize the ability of graduates to manipulate and analyze image data in various fields of application (a.l. biomedics, industry), the ability to apply intelligent systems methods in various fields of application and the ability to model and optimize real systems. KCV areas of expertise include: Digital Image Processing, Multivariate Data Analysis, Data Mining, Biomedical Computing, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval Systems, Robotics, Social Media Analysis and Special Topics of KCV
Head of Laboratory
Email: nanik[at]
initial, NS
Email: chastine[at]
initial, CF
Email: handatj[at]
initial, HT
Email: agusza[at]
initial, AZ
Email: dini_navastara[at]
initial, DA
Email: aldinata.rizky[at]
initial, AI
Email: imamkamal[at]
initial, MK
This area of interest offers an area of expertise that emphasizes the ability of graduates to build a variety of network architectures according to the latest technology standards and implementing network security. NETICS's areas of expertise include Wireless Networks, Inter-Network Technology, System and Network Security Design, Special Topics in Networking Technology and Intelligent Cybersecurity.
Head of Laboratory
Email: roy[at]
initial, RM
Email: baskoro[at]
initial, BS
Email: onggo[at]
initial, RA
Email: supeno[at]
initial, SD
In this area of interest, it offers an area of expertise that emphasizes the ability of graduates to design, develop and document the process of making games according to standards. As well as making 3-dimensional models and programming in virtual reality and 3-dimensional virtual reality applications using the game engine. GIGa expertise areas include Game Development Techniques, Game Systems, Computer Animation, and 3D Modeling, Virtual Reality and Augmentation and GIGa Special Topics.
Head of Laboratory
Email: wijayanti[at]
initial, WN
Email: imam[at]
initial, IM
Email: darlis[at]
initial, DH
Email: anny[at]
initial, AY
In this area of interest, the area of expertise is emphasized on the ability of graduates to develop systems/applications based on frameworks and develop systems/applications on mobile devices. AP subject areas of expertise include Framework Based Programming, Mobile Device Programming, Special Topics for Algorithms and Programming.
Head of Laboratory
Email: dwi[at]
initial, DS
Email: diana[at]
initial, DP
Email: yudhi[at]
initial, YP
Email: rully[at]
initial, RL
Email: fajar[at]
initial, FB
Email: irfan[at]
initial, IS
Email: agus.budi[at]
initial, AB
Email: suhadi.lili[at]
initial, SL
In this area of interest, it offers areas of expertise that emphasize the ability of graduates to analyze, synthesize and evaluate business processes and information systems in Enterprise systems, implement knowledge engineering into an application, conduct investigations, tests, evaluate the maturity and appropriateness of standard procedures and governance information technology, managing projects and human resources and designing and implementing distributed database solutions and Big Data technology. MI subject areas of expertise include Enterprise Systems, Knowledge Engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Systems Audit, Information Technology Governance, Distributed Databases, Big Data, Special Topics for Information Intelligent Management.
Head of Laboratory
Email: ratih_nea[at]
initial, RN
Email: riyanarto[at]
initial, RS
Email: adhatus[at]
initial, AL
Email: nurulfajrin[at]
initial, NF
Email: munif[at]
initial, MN
Email: shintami[at]
initial, SC
Email: kelly[at]
initial, KR
This area of interest offers an area of expertise that emphasizes the ability to develop models and perform system optimization. Elective courses offered include Linear Programming and Simulation Special Topics Modeling and Applied Computing.
Head of Laboratory
Email: bilqis[at]
initial, BA
Email: victor[at]
initial, VH
Email: joko[at]
initial, JL
Email: saikhu[at]
initial, AS