
Mawapres 2022 from Informatics: Doing the best for yourself and the environment.

Fri, 18 Mar 2022
2:36 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Informatika   |

Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari, a student of the Department of Informatics ITS, has been awarded the Outstanding Student Award (Mawapres) in the 2022 undergraduate category by the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya.


So far, the student who is more familiarly called Fiqey is very active in participating in national and international competitions. With her motto “Everything starts with the intention to do the best for himself and the environment”, it is not surprising that this Pasuruan-born student has obtained many achievements.


Since the beginning of the semester, Fiqey has been actively involved in various scientific writing competitions. One of them is by participating in the Student Creativity Program (PKM), which the Directorate General of Higher Education holds, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristik) through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). In fact, during these three years of college, Fiqey counted five times to obtain resources from his research proposals.


As an Informatics Engineering student, Fiqey is also very interested in the field of Intelligent Computing and Vision, especially those related to deep learning. “I feel that this technology can be used for various applications, such as biomedical and industrial, which are very much needed in this era,” said Fiqey.


Regarding becoming the first winner of Mawapres ITS 2022 Undergraduate, the bespectacled student said that it started with an intention to do the best for himself and the surrounding environment. Fiqey hopes that the process he goes through can be a lesson for other students. “Not only encouraging but also motivating each other, both students at ITS and throughout Indonesia,” said Fiqey smiling.


In the future, Fiqey also has hope for ITS that she will always contribute and make ITS proud. Not only that, but Fiqey also hopes that he can provide benefits to the people around him. Fiqey believes that there are also many ITS students who have great potential. “Because we can not be perfect, but it is possible to do our best,” closed Fiqey with a smile.

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