Collaborative works is a way for Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to improve productivity, innovation, and effectiveness. ITS opens wide opportunities to collaborate with anyone to create greater things. Currently, ITS partners have spread across various parts of the globe both from government, industry to universities, and research institutions. The results of this cooperation in the form of learning development, research development, innovation until ready to mass-produced products.
ITS believes that Collaborative Works is a better thing rather than do it all alone. With the touch of different fields of studies and diverse perspectives, technology development will not only easier but also easier to bring a real impact on society and environment. Here is a few examples of ITS’ collaborative work which has given various impacts on society and science:
Garasindo Collaboration with ITS Creating GESITS
The presence of GESITS as the first electric motor made in Indonesia is the breaking point of Indonesia’s automotive field. Gesits has inspired the country that they are also able to make their own bikes after so long rely on foreign imports. Learn more about GESITS here.
Sustainable Island Development Initiatives
As a tangible form of development and concrete form of university cooperation with various parties, the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) of ITS established the Sustainable Island Development Initiatives Program (SIDI). SIDI was established on November 10, 2012, marked by Memorandum of Agreement between ITS, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Bauer of Berau (East Kalimantan) and Wismar University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Through SIDI, ITS has been appointed by ministries to “adopt” two islands, which are Poteran Island (Sumenep Regency) and Maratua Island ( Berau District). Find more information about SIDI here.