There are a lot of voices in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The diversity that is prominent in ITS can be seen from the campus individuals that come from various origins and backgrounds united by the same passion, which is learning. In ITS, we believe that diversity is a way to enhance creativity and fair competition.
With a demanding global challenge, ITS tries to break its borders by growing toward the world-class university. This means that ITS constantly try to improve its competencies and attract as many students and teachers from various background, in order to create diversity. One of ITS’s mission that is currently and will always be implemented is the internationalization program that encourages students, lecturers, and employees, to go abroad and gain international experience.
ITS already has various programs to continue to support increasing campus diversity and internationalization. Both programs aimed at increasing interest in ITS to programs that support the ITS academic community to dare to join the global community through various programs.
One of ITS’s missions that is currently being implemented and will continue to be implemented is an internationalization program that aims to encourage students, academic staff, and staff to continue striving for international experience.
ITS already has various programs to support internationalization. Including programs aimed for increasing interest in ITS and programs that support our people to dare to join the global community through various programs, such as short and full degree programs, student or staff exchange, internship, and many more!
The three big categories under ITS’s mission to become a world-class university by enhancing diversity are the following: Community and Technological Camp (CommTECH), International Students, and several other Training and Programs. CommTECH Camp is an opportunity for students, academics, and professionals from around the world to learn about the community and global issues through a variety of fun activities but have in-depth learning. In terms of International Students, an example would be how ITS is one of the institutions that offers Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) scholarship.