Maret telah tiba, tak terasa akan menginjak akhir minggu ke-4 perkuliahan. Jangan lupa terdapat tanggal penting di bulan Maret yakni Batas Pengajuan Cuti, tepat besok Jumat. Selengkapnya cek kalender diatas. Semangat!
#SWFAcademic #SWFChevalier #HMSIEvolve #ITSSurabaya
Calling all out instrument enthusiast🙌. We would like to invite you to join Guest Lecture
Instrumentation for Investigating the Physic of Semiconductor Devices! 🗣 Special Speaker : DR. WAN MARYAM WAN AHMAD KAMIL University
✨ Topic: Semiconductor Device 🎙️ Speaker: Dr. Wan Maryam Wan Ahmad Kamil 📅 Date: 23rd October