Selamat kepada Ilham Cahya Suherman (5215100043)
Bersama tim APA Saja sebagai Juara 1 pada lomba Game Dev MAGE ITS 2018
“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”
— Colin Powell
penasaran gamenya seperti apa? simak poster berikut 👌🏻
Calling all out instrument enthusiast🙌. We would like to invite you to join Guest Lecture
Instrumentation for Investigating the Physic of Semiconductor Devices! 🗣 Special Speaker : DR. WAN MARYAM WAN AHMAD KAMIL University
✨ Topic: Semiconductor Device 🎙️ Speaker: Dr. Wan Maryam Wan Ahmad Kamil 📅 Date: 23rd October