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The department of Interior Design is under the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning (FADP) of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya. The Department of Interior Design has the aim of producing graduates with high competence in interior design, innovative, adaptive, communicative, having high managerial knowledge and abilities, having high professional ethics and integrity and being able to develop the technopreuneur spirit
The academic curriculum in the Department of Interior Design focuses on Basic Knowledge, Interior Human Environment Needs, Professional and Practice, and Communication. With these four focus points, the courses in the Interior Design Department are divided into three types of courses, namely:
The three types of courses were developed by combining the Student Center Learning (SCL) learning system with the Base Education (LBE) Laboratory learning system model.
This combination gave birth to a studio system that was implemented with comprehensive and comprehensive mentoring assistance. Furthermore, the design object and subject of discussion in the lecture also use existing real objects. The results of the combination of this studio system and the learning model will make the ability and end result of the interior design complete, attractive and answer the challenges that exist in the interior design project faced by students.
The following are the courses offered by Department of Interior Design
*) Mata kuliah yang dibuka untuk program studi lain