Implementation of Virtual Reality Technology

27 Agustus 2024
Redaktur: Yaritsa Husni Sabiela
Penulis: Muhammad Rasky Alfitra
Editor: Byanca Putri Anjar

Implementing The Technology of Virtual Reality, Helped Introduce Hos Tjokroaminoto’s Dormitory Museum as a Historical Place

The Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum that is located in the Sub-District of Genteng, Surabaya, East Java, has a unique history and background. The museum itself is an important destination in commemorating impactful historical figures. However, there are still a lot of people that don’t know of its existence. Because of that, lecturers from the Laboratory of Interior Science and Technology with the help of students from Interior Design ITS, worked together to form a team that was lead by Okta Putra Setio Ardianto, S.T., M.T., to conduct a research in making a virtual reality (VR) on the Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum to further expose it to the public.

The research about constructing a VR on the Hos Tjokroaminoto’s Dormitory was initiated by a lecturer and head of the Laboratory of Interior Science and Technology, Okta Putra Setio Ardianto, S.T., M.T., alongside with Dr. Mahendra Wardhana, S.T., M.T., Thomas Ari Kristianto, S.Sn., M.T., Anggra Ayu Rucitra, S.T., M.MT., Caesario Ari Budianto, S.T., M.T., Yaritsa Husni Sabiela, S.Ds., M.Ds., and Dyah Kusuma Wardhani, S.T., M.Ars. The research was also helped by a team of talented Interior Design students of ITS, the team consisted of Muhammad Hrithik Roshan R., Rafly Bahy Shafwan, Salma Arsy Nurani, Fadhila Rachmawati, and Usep Sopian. Creating a good impression and positive impacts, the research has helped the knowledge growth in the world of technology and its use in the learning process of students in ITS. The objective of the research is to create a 3D render of Hos Tjokroaminoto’s Dormitory that was once used by the first President of Indonesia. Then, the 3D render will be turned into a virtual reality that can be accessed through an Oculus Quest, a virtual reality headset.

The research was officially titled as “Application of Virtual Reality Heritage on Bung Karno’s Room and Hos Tjokroaminoto’s Room”. The VR of Bung Karno’s old dorm could help students understand the historical context and values of the museum, while also giving a personal experience of the Interior of Bung Karno’s old room. The personal experience could also be translated into a term called “Digital Place Attachment”, or a feeling of being present in a place that was constructed virtually.

The experience of being in the virtual reality of Bung Karno’s old room could help build an awareness that signifies the importance of that historical place itself. Bung Karno’s old room in Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum holds a great heritage value, because in the past, there were 3 historical figures that lived in Hos Tjokroaminoto’s House (The Museum), and those 3 figures would eventually shape Indonesia’s history. Even Though they share the same room and teacher (Hos Tjokroaminoto), Soekarno would become the first President, Kartosoewirjo would lead the rebellion of the islamic party and Samoen would be in favour of changing the government into communism. Ironic, but it’s the vocal point in the history of Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum.

Beside the importance of history, this research could also be a great source of learning in the fields of technology, especially for lecturers, students, and the whole academic community in Interior Design ITS. The process of making a VR itself takes a lot of time and procedures, starting from surveying the location with the guidance of lecturers from the Lab. of Interior Science and Technology ,scanning the location in 360 degrees, converting the scan result to make the 3D model, up to creating a research journal on Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum. Making a virtual reality also requires the operation of Matterport (a tool for 3D scanning), alongside important software such as; Blender, Sketchup and Unreal Engine. In the process of making the VR, the team of researcher students are also actively involved in the process, with the help and exclusive guidance from the Lecturers of Interior Design ITS. That way, lecturers and students can be progressive in contributing innovation and expanding knowledge in technology.

In the future, the lecturers and the research team of Interior Design ITS hoped that by creating a VR of Bung Karno’s old room, the output could be a way of conserving historical places that might not be standing any longer in the coming years. With VR, heritage places like Hos Tjokroaminoto Museum could be preserved and appreciated virtually. The research could also be a source of references and a place of learning for the upcoming technological innovations and projects of Interior Design ITS.


Head of Research : Okta Putra Setio Ardianto, S.T., M.T.
Lecturer Member : Dr. Mahendra Wardhana, S.T., M.T., Thomas Ari Kristianto, S.Sn., M.T., Anggra Ayu Rucitra, S.T., M.MT., Caesario Ari Budianto, S.T., M.T., Yaritsa Husni Sabiela, S.Ds., M.Ds., dan Dyah Kusuma Wardhani, S.T., M.Ars.
Student Members : Muhammad Hrithik Roshan R., Rafly Bahy Shafwan, Salma Arsy Nurani, Fadhila Rachmawati, dan Usep Sopian.

Laboratorium: Laboratory of Interior Science

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