List of Staff

Staff Name : Veronica Liestyani Ratih, S.S.
Position : Head of the General Affairs Subdivision
Email :

1. Formulating the work program of the General Affairs Subdivision of the Department as a guideline for task implementation.
2. Assigning tasks to subordinates in the General Affairs Subdivision of the Department according to their duties and responsibilities, to ensure that the assigned tasks can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
3. Providing guidance on task implementation to subordinates in the General Affairs Subdivision of the Department according to applicable regulations and procedures for smooth task execution.
4. Assessing work performance as a basis for coaching and career development.
5. Documenting academic, personnel, financial, general and equipment data, guidelines, regulations, standard operating procedures, implementation instructions, and technical instructions for activities within the Department in the framework of ensuring the Department’s performance quality.
6. Gathering and implementing regulations in the fields of academic affairs, student affairs, personnel, finance, household, general affairs, and equipment.
7. Implementing administrative tasks in academic affairs, student affairs, finance, personnel, cooperation, and state asset management in the Department.
8. Evaluating the implementation of tasks in the General Affairs Subdivision of the Department to identify issues and solutions.
9. Compiling reports of the General Affairs Subdivision of the Department according to the achieved results as accountability for task execution.
10. Executing other official duties assigned by superiors.

Staff Name : Ricky Wicaksono, S.M.
Position : Academic Staff
Email :

1. Facilitating the compilation of academic schedules, classroom allocations, and assignment of faculty members to courses.
2. Crafting academic advising schedules and disseminating information regarding advisory sessions to students.
3. Ensuring the currency of academic data within the ACADEMIC SIM system through meticulous updates.
4. Crafting comprehensive course control documents encompassing attendance records, student rosters, and pedagogical plans.
5. Managing administrative proceedings pertaining to internship proposals with exacting attention to detail.
6. Vigilantly monitoring and attending to the progression of student internships, ensuring seamless execution.
7. Collaborating in the judicious allocation of internship supervisors to ensure optimal mentorship.
8. Compiling and assessing the outcomes of student internship endeavors with precision.
9. Overseeing administrative facets associated with job internships with utmost diligence.
10. Assisting in the preparation of comprehensive progress reports for both internships and job placements.
11. Collating and organizing registrations for final project advisors with meticulous care.
12. Scrutinizing and validating the completeness of seminar proposals or final project defense documents.
13. Orchestrating schedules for seminar proposals or final project defense sessions with meticulous attention to detail.
14. Facilitating the distribution of pertinent documents for seminar proposals or final project defenses.
15. Coordinating the logistical arrangements for seminar or final project defense venues with meticulous care.
16. Compiling and evaluating grades while iteratively refining outcomes from seminar or final project defense sessions.
17. Aiding in the preparation of comprehensive progress reports for final project endeavors.
18. Assisting in the orchestration of Joint Course Evaluation sessions with precision.
19. Crafting rigorous question sets for Joint Course Evaluations to ensure academic rigor.
20. Collaborating in the rigorous oversight of Joint Course Evaluation proceedings.
21. Compiling and meticulously maintaining attendance records while monitoring the execution of course sessions.
22. Drafting formal violation reports in cases of academic misconduct during course evaluations.
23. Assisting in the formal application process for research, observational, or visit permits to external institutions.
24. Dispensing pertinent academic information to faculty members and students with clarity and precision.
25. Aiding in the dissemination of departmental profiles and admission selection criteria to prospective students with meticulous attention to detail.
26. Overseeing the meticulous planning and execution of departmental-level graduation ceremonies.
27. Assisting in the administration of scholarship registrations and disbursements, including those for international students.
28. Executing directives from superiors to lend support beyond primary responsibilities or to aid colleagues as needed.

Staff Name : Yulia Rizviyanty, ST
Position : Assistant Treasurer of Expenditure
Email :

1. Compiling draft RBA (Budget Spending Plan) and UMK (Cash Transfer Proposal) and submitting them to the Unit Leader.
2. Inputting RBA and UMK proposals through the Financial Information System.
3. Disbursing UMK funds.
4. Distributing unit funds according to needs/requests.
5. Conducting verification and payment of invoices.
6. Preparing Tax Payment Letters (Surat Setor Pajak, SSP).
7. Handling tax deposits from transactions.
8. Scanning and documenting Tax Payment Letters (SSP).
9. Entering financial data and uploading tax payment letters into the Financial Information System.
10. Handing tax payment letters to the Treasurer of Expenditure.
11. Generating monthly SPJ (Responsibility Report) lists.
12. Compiling and processing accountability letters (SPJ).
13. Recording financial transactions in the daily journal and ledger.
14. Inputting financial data through the Financial Information System.
15. Compiling financial accountability reports.
16. Delivering and explaining monthly SPJ details to the Commitment Maker Officer (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen, PPK).
17. Delivering and explaining monthly SPJ details to the Internal Audit Office.
18. Returning remaining unit funds via bank transfer to the Vice Rector II’s account.
19. Reporting financial records periodically to management.
20. Storing and maintaining budget expenditure documents.
21. Executing directives from superiors to assist tasks beyond primary responsibilities or to aid colleagues as needed.

Staff Name : Bagus Arianto
Position : General Administrative Staff
Email : bagoes_bahasa[at]

1. Operating e-office systems
2. Providing Department-level letter drafting services for employee and student needs
3. Disseminating scholarship information
4. Handling scholarship registration administration
5. Serving the administrative process for financial activities at the Department’s student level
6. Checking activity and financial reports of student organizations at the Department level
7. Assisting in the administrative process of correspondence and permits for student activities at the Department level
8. Handling administrative and financial processes for student competition activities
9. Assisting in plagiarism checking processes using I-Thenticate
10. Assisting in archiving Decree Letters (SK) and promotion application documents in the work unit
11. Assisting in the promotion application process for employees in the work unit
12. Assisting in the preparation of employee Work Performance Appraisal (SKP) documents in the work unit
13. Assisting in the submission process for study leave documents and reactivation
14. Assisting in the submission process for employee retirement documents in the work unit
15. Executing superiors’ orders to assist tasks beyond primary responsibilities or aid other colleagues

Staff Name : Yudha Firman Prasetya
Position : Information Technology Installation Technician
Email :

1. Installing and maintaining network devices within the workplace area.
2. Checking and maintaining access points within the workplace area.
3. Inspecting and maintaining computers and/or servers within the workplace area.
4. Inspecting and maintaining projectors within the workplace area.
5. Installing and updating necessary software required by the unit/employees.
6. Proposing the renewal/procurement of IT devices at the unit level.
7. Inventorying and reporting available goods and tools in the unit’s server room.
8. Documenting network admin activities.
9. Developing and maintaining the unit’s website according to its needs.
10. Assisting in updating the content of the unit’s website.
11. Managing the hosting server of the unit available in ITS data center services.
12. Creating print media for promoting the unit’s programs/activities.
13. Coordinating with DPTSI (Directorate of Information Technology Development) regarding the escalation of IT service complaints and issues.
14. Assisting in implementing ITS IT services at the unit level, including student users.
15. Assisting in the implementation of e-Learning at the departmental level.
16. Assisting in the implementation of e-Office at the unit level.
17. Carrying out directives from superiors to assist tasks beyond primary responsibilities or to aid other colleagues.

Staff Name : Hariyono, S.T
Position : Workshop and Library Officer
Email :

1. Compiling a list of proposals for acquiring new library materials.
2. Classifying and labeling new library materials.
3. Receiving and archiving student academic reports (internships/thesis/theses/dissertations/internships).
4. Receiving and archiving research reports and journals (Research Reports/Journals/Proceedings).
5. Providing library material circulation services.
6. Offering information services to visitors related to library materials.
7. Maintaining and preserving the facilities and infrastructure of the reading room.
8. Controlling the borrowing of reading room facilities within the Department.
9. Maintaining the library material collection.
10. Generating circulation reports for library materials and reading room activities.
11. Carrying out directives from superiors to assist tasks beyond primary responsibilities or aid other colleagues.
12. Receiving submissions of major student assignments.
13. Assisting in the maintenance of workshop equipment.
14. Assisting in the planning of consumables expenditure for the workshop.
15. Assisting in conducting audits of machine conditions in the workshop.

Staff Name : Rendy Prastyono
Position : Security and Safety Officer (Parking Attendant)
Email :

1. Ensuring cleanliness and orderliness in the workplace parking area.
2. Conducting thorough inspections and monitoring of vehicles within the parking area and workplace vicinity.
3. Enforcing regulations to maintain orderly parking of vehicles in designated areas.
4. Verifying vehicle documentation upon exit from the parking facility or workplace premises.
5. Regulating vehicular traffic flow within the workplace compound.
6. Upholding security protocols and safety measures throughout the workplace environment.
7. Recording and documenting campus security and safety incidents in a detailed logbook.
8. Collaborating with Security and Safety Unit (SKK) personnel at the central command post to address specific incidents.
9. Issuing appropriate warnings to individuals found in violation of parking regulations.
10. Conducting comprehensive inspections of premises at the conclusion of operational hours.
11. Documenting and reporting any identified hazards or potential risks within the workplace setting.
12. Undertaking prompt and decisive actions to address emergency situations effectively.
13. Providing clear directions and guidance to building occupants during emergency evacuations.
14. Executing directives from superiors to provide assistance beyond regular duties or support colleagues as needed.

Staff Name : Afianto
Position : Office Attendant
Email : afianto_fti[at]

1. Opening and closing rooms within the workplace unit.
2. Conducting cleaning activities in all rooms within the workplace environment.
3. Coordinating with cleaning staff within the workplace unit.
4. Performing cleanliness inspections of all rooms within the workplace unit according to cleanliness checklists.
5. Requesting supplies and tools needed for cleaning activities.
6. Undertaking maintenance of trees and plants.
7. Assisting in the maintenance or repair of facilities and infrastructure within the workplace unit.
8. Requesting supplies and tools for tree and plant maintenance work.
9. Requesting kitchen and drinking water supplies.
10. Inspecting the condition of work facilities to ensure safety and security.
11. Carrying out directives from superiors to provide assistance beyond regular duties or support colleagues as needed.

Staff Name : Arifa Tantri Wijayanti, S.T
Position : Staff
Email :[at]

1. Documenting Curriculum
2. Interior Design Journal Manager
3. Member of the Final Project Coordinator Team
4. Accompanying the Proposal for Faculty Promotion

Staff Name : Dani Ardiansyah, S.T
Position : Facilities and Room Cleanliness Officer, 3rd Floor
Email :

1. Providing assistance to students borrowing computer laboratory equipment and inspecting the equipment.
2. Assisting in the maintenance of electrical, network, and plumbing installations.
3. Inspecting and maintaining the building structure of the Department of Interior Design.

Staff Name : Sugeng Anrima
Position : Cleanliness and Space Officer, 1st Floor
Email :
  1. Responsible for the cleanliness and security of the classrooms, panel rooms, restrooms, prayer rooms, and corridors located on the 1st floor.
  2. Assisting in facilitating room reservations on the 1st floor.
Staff Name : Soeminah
Position : Cleanliness and Space Officer, 2nd Floor
Email :

1. Responsible for the cleanliness and security of the seminar room, administrative office room, meeting room, executive office, and pantry.
2. Responsible for the cleanliness of corridors and restrooms on the 2nd floor.
3. Assisting in facilitating room reservations on the 2nd floor.

Staff Name : Anang
Position : Cleanliness and Garden Officer
Email :

1. Maintaining and storing gardening tools.
2. Garden maintenance, plant care, and grass cutting.
3. Maintaining the cleanliness of official vehicles.
4. Cleaning car and motorcycle parking areas.
5. Cleaning the front yard, building entrance area, rear of the building, left, and right sides of the building.

Staff Name : Choirul Roziqin
Position : Cleanliness and Garden Officer
Email :

1. Vehicle care and maintenance officer
2. Maintaining and storing gardening tools
3. Caring for and tidying up plants and trees in the Department of Interior Design building area
4. Cleaning and mowing grass in the rear area of the Interior Department building
5. Cleaning and mowing grass on the right side of the Interior building entrance area
6. Cleaning and sweeping the right side building yard (motorcycle parking area next to the workshop)

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