Masters Program

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Masters Program

The Master’s Program in Interior Design at ITS provides students with the opportunity to develop into proficient researchers (strategic thinkers), adept conceptualizers, and innovators in the field of interior design. This program delves into theories and research in the realm of interior design. The following are the areas of specialization that are the focus of our program:

  • Interior Innovation, Interior UX, and Design Management
  • Metaspace, VR & AR Development for Interior Design
  • Interior Design Science and Technology 
  • Psychology of Interior Design and Human Factors
  • Socio-Cultural and Aesthetics

The Background for the Establishment of the Master's Degree in Interior Design

Vision and Mission of the Master's Degree (S2) Program in Interior Design


Being an educational facility that is able to open opportunities to enrich creativity in community development, especially in the field of design and digital business based on entrepreneurial, information technology, and support industrial and marine progressivity.


  1. To be at the forefront of the development of interior design and creative business based on technology and entrepreneurial, especially in the industrial and marine sectors
  2. Significantly contribute to the development of ITS to become a pioneer and productive campus in the field of science, especially interior design and digital and entrepreneurial creative business
  3. Organizing international standardized higher education in the development of science and technology in the fields of behavior, science, and interior design aesthetics
  4. Carrying out continuous research and technological innovation in the behavioral, scientific, and aesthetic fields of interior design
  5. Make a real contribution to society, industry, and government through technological innovation in the fields of behavior, science, and aesthetics in the field of interior design.
  6. Manage faculties effectively and efficiently to support the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education
  7. Support supplies and demands of the graduates by increasing collaboration with industry, government, and society at national and international levels
  8. Strengthen international cooperation and networks in the fields of education, research and development of innovative products at international standards

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat

  • Teaching staff from leading higher education graduates in Indonesia & internationally
  • HR Has a lot of practical experience in research, teaching, and community service at home and abroad.
  • There are many research and abmas results which are widely implemented both at home and abroad
  • Publications in the field of interior design, especially in reputable international journals, Scopus, Web of Science, and others
  • Intensive Tridarma (Teaching, Research and Service) activities in the field of Interior Design
  • Many cooperation partners ranging from PT, PTLN, Government and Private Agencies
  • Facilities and infrastructure for new study programs need time to adjust
  • Limited number of workshops for the development of the Interior Design field focus
  • The establishment of the ITS Interior Design Master’s Degree has become the pioneer of interior design master’s education in Indonesia
  • According to the ITS–PTNBH Strategic Plan 2015-2020 strategic areas: Creative Industries, one of which is the field of interior design
  • In the ‘Design Project’ guidebook, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (2020) it is stated that the designer’s abilities include: Analytical ability, aesthetics, collaborative ability, information and communication technology, awareness of the law, awareness of the nature of being a human being, and reliability of innovation. and creativity
  • Supporting ITS vision and mission for international reputation both in the fields of research, innovation, creativity, and scientific publications
  • In accordance with the development of the creative industry which is increasingly dynamic and growing, which requires many experts in interior design, economics, materials, management, marketing, and construction.
  • The quality of creative production from abroad that has advanced will be able to trigger the scientific development of Interior Design in Indonesia.


The preparation of the curriculum in the Master of Interior Design program refers to

  • UUPT (UU DIKTI) NO. 12/2012
  • KKNI Perpres no. 8.2012
  • RENSTRA KEMENRISTEKDIKTI Permenristekdikti No. 13/2015
  • Permendikbud No.3/2020 19

Learning Outcomes (CPL)

CPL 1 :Able to show attitudes and characteristics that reflect: piety to God Almighty, virtuous character, sensitivity, and concern about social and environmental problems, respecting cultural differences and pluralism, upholding law enforcement, prioritizing the matter of the nation and community, through innovation, creativity, and other potentials.

CPL2 :Able to develop and solve science and technology problems in their field of study through research with an inter or  multidisciplinary approach to provide innovative and credible work, and receive national and international recognition.

CPL 3 : Able to manage their self-directed study, and develop themselves as personal lifelong learners to compete at national and international levels, in order to make a real contribution to solving problems by taking into account the principle of sustainability.

CPL 4 : Able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific thinking, creation of designs or works of art in the field of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values according to the field of interior design expertise, compiles scientific conceptions and study results based on rules, procedures, and scientific ethics in the form of a thesis or other equivalent form, and uploaded on the university website, as well as papers that have been published in accredited scientific journals or accepted in international journals.

CPL 5 : Able to carry out academic validation or studies according to their field of expertise in solving problems in the community or relevant industries through the development of knowledge and expertise in the field of interior design.

CPL 6 :Able to organize ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments responsibly and based on academic ethics and communicate them through the media to the academic community and the broader community.

CPL 7 : Able to identify the scientific field that is the object of his research and position it in a research map development through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach.

CPL 8 : Able to make decisions in the context of problem solving with the development of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values based on analytical or experimental studies of information and data.

CPL 9 : Able to manage, develop and maintain networks with colleagues, peers within the institution and the broader research community.

CPL 10 : Able to increase learning capacity independently.

CPL 11 : Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover research data in order to ensure the validity and prevent plagiarism.

CPL 12 : Able to implement the principle of sustainability in theory advancement in the field of interior design.

CPL 13 : Able to implement information and communication technology in the context of carrying out their work.


No.Course CodeCourse NameCredit Weight
1DI185101Interior Design Research Methodology11
2DI185102Interior Design Environmental Psychology21
3DI185103Interior Science and Technology21
4DI185104Social Culture in Interior Design21
Number of Credits110
1DI185205Proposal Thesis21
2DI185206Design and Lifestyle11
3DI185207Design Semiotics11
4DI185208Interior Performancen Technology11
Number of Credits80
1DI185309Advanced Proposal Thesis11
2DI185310Interior Design and Human Factor11
3DI185311Interior Business Digital11
4Elective Course11
Number of Credits80
Number of Credits80
Total Number of Credits360
1DI185312Contextual Design30
2DI185313Green Design30
3DI185314Inclusive Interior Design30
4DI185315Interior Concept and Innovation30

The Master Program in Interior Design ITS is composed of compulsory and elective course with a total of 36 credits that delivered in two years divided into four semesters.

  • 11 compulsory courses with a total of 26 credits
  • 1 elective course with a total of 2 credits
  • thesis of 8 credits


NoNamaBidang Keahlian
1Dr. Mahendra Wardhana, S.T., M.T.Sains dan Teknologi Desain Interior
2Dr. Ir. Susy Budi Astuti, M.T.Psikologi Desain Interior dan Faktor Manusia
3Dr. Firman Hawari, S.Sn., M.Ds.Sosial, Budaya dan Estetika
4Ellya Zulaikha, ST. MSn., Ph.D.Manajemen Desain , dan Inovasi Desain.
5Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini, ST., MAppDesArt., Ph.D.Inovasi Desain, UI dan UX
6Dr. Ir. Budiono, M.Sn. Sosial Budaya dan Estetika


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