Student Affairs Information

Student Correspondence Information

Find information that collects student correspondence in the Interior Design Department according to your needs here.

Confirm your application letter in the address or here

Check the progress of your application letter by clicking the image below:


Flow of Making Lending Letters for the Interior Design Department

  1. Submission of letters is submitted a minimum of 4 days before the activity (holidays do not count);
  2. Students complete data on the letter form at this address;
  3. Students make a request letter with the HIMA header or the activity committee header about the place permit;
  4. The letterheaded form of the Department is printed and submitted to the room responsible officer (currently: Mr. Afianto) to confirm the availability of space, availability is proven by initials from the room responsible officer;
  5. Both letters are submitted to the Administration of the Department for the signature of the Secretary of department;
  6. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  7. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  8. Students can take a letter to the Administration of Department for the next process.

Flow of Making Goods Lending Department in the Department of Interior Design

  1. Submission of letters is submitted a minimum of 4 days before the activity (holidays do not count);
  2. Students complete data on the letter form at this address;
  3. Students make a request letter with the HIMA header or the activity committee header about the loan of goods;
  4. The letterheaded form of the Department is printed and submitted to the responsible goods inventory officer (currently: Mr. Yudha) to confirm the availability of goods, availability is proven by initials of the officer in charge of inventory items;
  5. Both letters are submitted to the Administration of the Department for the signature of the Secretary of department;
  6. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  7. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  8. Students can take a letter to the Administration of Department for the next process.

Flow of Making Active Lecture Letter in the Department of Interior Design

  1. Students complete data on the letter form at this address;
  2. The letter form that has been completed by the student is sent to the Administration in the Department through email then confirm staff through line/whatsapp/come to Administration office in the Department (line: @desainiteriorits, whatsapp: +62 82266288884);
  3. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  4. The draft letter was corrected and corrected (if necessary) then printed by the Administration’s staff;
  5. The printed letter is requested for the signature of the Head of Department;
  6. A letter that has been signed by the Head of Department is given a letter number and is scheduled to be monitored outgoing mail and then the letter is filed;
  7. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  8. Students take letters in the administration’s department office.

This active lecture letter used for filing scholarships, BPJS, short programs and others.

Flow of Making Statement Still Study Letter in the Department of Interior Design

  1. Mahasiswa melengkapi data pada form surat pada this address;
  2. The letter form that has been completed by the student is sent to the Administration in the Department through email then confirm staff through line/whatsapp/come to Administration office in the Department (line: @desainiteriorits, whatsapp: +62 82266288884);
  3. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  4. The draft letter was corrected and corrected (if necessary) then printed by the Administration’s staff;
  5. The printed letter is requested for the signature of the Head of Department;
  6. A letter that has been signed by the Head of Department is given a letter number and is scheduled to be monitored outgoing mail and then the letter is filed;
  7. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  8. Students take letters in the administration’s department office.

This Statement Still Study Letter is used for the needs of student parents’ work such as PNS and PNS Pension Pension Extension.

Flow of Making Letter for Design Class Survey in the Department of Interior Design

  1. Students complete data on the letter form at this address;
  2. Submission of letters by students a maximum of 2 letters per group;
  3. The draft letter printed by the student concerned is then submitted to the Administration Staff in the Department;
  4. Draft letters submitted if there is a correction from the Administration staff so that the draft is returned to the applicant’s student to be revised;
  5. The draft letter submitted no correction will be received by Administration Staff and requested by the Head of Department to sign;
  6. A letter that has been signed by the Head of Department is given a letter number and is scheduled to be monitored outgoing mail and then the letter is filed;
  7. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  8. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  9. Students take letters in the administration’s department office;
  10. Students deliver letters to the survey site;
  11. Students wait for a reply from the survey site;
  12. Students whose application letter is rejected by the survey site repeats process number 1 by bringing proof of rejection and a survey cover letter which is rejected.

Flow of Making Letter for Internship Survey in the Department of Interior Design

  1. Students complete data on the letter form at this address;
  2. Submission of letters by students a maximum of 2 letters per group;
  3. The draft letter printed by the student concerned is then submitted to the Administration Staff in the Department;
  4. Draft letters submitted if there is a correction from the Administration staff so that the draft is returned to the applicant’s student to be revised;
  5. The draft letter submitted no correction will be received by Administration Staff and requested by the Head of Department to sign;
  6. A letter that has been signed by the Head of Department is given a letter number and is scheduled to be monitored outgoing mail and then the letter is filed;
  7. Students fill out the form to register the incoming mail at or here;
  8. The maximum settlement time is 3 working days;
  9. Students take letters in the administration’s department office;
  10. Students deliver letters to the survey site;
  11. Students wait for a reply from the survey site;
  12. Students whose application letter is rejected by the survey site repeats process number 1 by bringing proof of rejection and a survey cover letter which is rejected.
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