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International Conference on Vocational, Industrial
and Professional Application (VIPRO)
Invited Speaker dan Panitia dari Konfrensi Internasional Vipro 2022
VIPRO 2022 is an international conference organized by the Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Forum (FPTVI) in collaboration with the Vocational Faculty of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Coincidentally, the Chairperson of FPTVI for the 2020-2022 period is Prof. M Sigit Darmawan, M.Eng, dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty. The VIPRO Seminar is designed as a forum for communication and information in the fields of Technology, Social Humanities, and Agrocomplex in the context of developing vocational education in Indonesia.
The 2022 VIPRO theme is “Transforming Technical, Vocational Education and Applied Science to strengthen the human resource competitiveness for an innovative industrial application” with conference topics covering:
Climate and Ecology, Energy, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Health, Environmental risk assessment, Environmental engineering, sustainability, and green technology, Infrastructure and Sustainability, Natural resources, Policy, socioeconomics, and law, Pollution, Water and hydrology, Atmospheric and paleoclimatology, Climatology and paleoclimatology, Geochemistry, Geography, Water and hydrology, Atmospheric science and meteorology, Climatology and paleoclimatology, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, Glaciology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Oceanography, Paleontology.
Agriculture and Food, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biogeochemical cycles.
The 2022 Vipro International Conference was held online, there were several speakers who filled in, including:
Keynote Speakers:
2.Dr. Al Kindhi Diamonds, S.ST., M.T. Department of Electrical Automation Engineering
3.Dr. Drs. Brodjol Sutijo Ulama, M.Sc. Department of Business Statistics
To organize VIPRO 2022, there are several preparations including “Coordination with FPTVI members, activity committee and journal publishers so that VIPRO can be carried out after collaborating with global researchers on topics raised in VIPRO activities,” added Moderator.
Mr. Mashuri as the moderator of VIPRO 2022 “Very proud because I was given the opportunity to develop myself and build a network because VIPRO 2022 was very interesting and succeeded in collaborating with vocational researchers from various countries” and hopes for the future for VIPRO “Hopefully VIPRO can continue to be held regularly as a scientific event for the vocational researchers in Indonesia who collaborate with world researchers,” added the 2022 Vipro Moderator.
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