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Thank you to all participants who have registered for “Make It in Germany” workshop. We are sorry because of the room capacity, we need to limit the seats up to 60 seats for each session, thus we need to divide the workshop into two sessions. The list of the participants can be seen below.
The details of the workshop are given as follows: Day, Date : Thursday, September 18, 2014 Time : 9.00-12.00 (Session 1) and 12.30-15.00 (Session 2) Venue : Ruang Cafe Lantai 1, Gedung Rektorat Lt. 1, ITS Surabaya
For all participants please come on time. If you are late for more than 15 minutes, your seat will be given to on the spot participants. Thank you.
P.S: For those who are assigned for Session 2, please send your attendance confirmation to Lely (085646263623), before 8.00 p.m today.