

Fri, 13 Nov 2015
10:50 am

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International Insight Expo & Intercultural Festival 2015

We bring Australia, UK, Taiwan, Japan, and many more, closer to ITS toward the InternationalInsight Expo – Intercultural Festival 2015. It is the annual event of International Office that aims to spread internationalization, insight, and information for all ITS academicians toward an education fair. Besides, the theme of the program which is "Preparing ITS to face AEC 2015" is also gives reflection of how close we are to face ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, and what we have done to prepare for it. This year is the second year of the event which held for two days in front of Architecture department from 9 am to 5 pm. There are 7 partnership from Kumamoto University Liaison Office, Coventry University liaison Office, SUN Education, AUG Student Services, The British Institute (TBI), Kelt, and Taiwan Education Center (TEC). Not only that, International Insight Expo is also provide booths from International Office that gives information about research, exchange, summer program, scholarships for postgraduate program, workshops, etc. which is being offered for ITS student. 

Magang Ormawa, that is provide information about how the student association journey to have an international relation with student council overseas, just like Malaysia. Not only IO and Magang Ormawa booth, in the last line we have ASEAN Corner which provide all kinds about ASEAN information, updated facts about AEC 2015, story and pictures of ITS student activities when they got to visit some countries in ASEAN and so on. International Insight was opened with the speech from Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heru Setyawan, MEng, the head of International Office, Dr. Maria Anityasari, and the head of the committee, Erlia Putri Imansari.

This year, the committees come up with the new concept that makes it more 'friendly' to the student by involving some food stalls to make food bazaar. International Insight Expo provides a lot of food such as sausage bar-b-q, chicken wings, ice blend, bake potato, squid rice, martabak, terang bulan, penyetan, etc. So the visitor can enjoy the food while reading about AEC 2015 fun facts in information board or watching the performances as well. During those two days, we also running the various programs on the stage just like sharing session with ITS international student, traditional dance performance from UKTK, pop quiz, sharing session with ITS academicians, traditional games, Akatara music performance, volunteer acoustic performance, ASEAN fun facts video, and many more. 

On the last day, International Insight Expo 2015 was merged with Intercultural Festival 2015. 

Intercultural Festival is an event held by ITS IO as one of the tools to enhance the relationship between ITS International Students and ITS Students itself. The theme was about cross-culture between Indonesian culture and other country’s culture. The event itself had 2 main sub events which are Cultural Performance and Cross-Culture Games.  Those main sub events were made to show the collaboration between ITS International Students and ITS Students. Therefore, the Cross-Culture Games and the Cultural Performance were conducted by both. 

The event was started by a performance from UKM UKTK Karawitan (Traditional Music). They performed along with the some of ITS International Students. They produced a really good tone even if that was the first time for international students to play the instruments. Next agenda was the first Cross-Culture Games.  The game The games consisted of 3 groups and they had to guess what kind of picture shown by their partner. Intercultural Festival was continued by another performance from UKM IFLS ITS Japanese Division. They covered some Japanese songs. It was a good performance. The next was performance conducted by UKM PSM ITS (Choir). They sang some Traditional Songs from Indonesia. The harmony was really captivating and blend as one. Then, the second Cross-Culture Games came and it was about guessing some Indonesian songs’ lyrics. This game run quite funny because the International Students had to read the lyrics with their accent which made it harder for ITS students to guess the songs.  The event run well and was continued by interesting performance by UKM IFLS Korean Division. They did a dance cover. After that, the MC brought the last game of that day. It was called 

"How Far Do You Know about International Culture". This game required the participants to guess some pictures behind grids. The games consisted of 3 stages, easy, medium, and hard. The participants were from ITS international students and ITS students. They work together to guess the pictures. 

The last performance was came from UKM Persai Diri ITS (Martial Art). They showed some amazing body moves. It was really good one. After all of the main events done, it was time to reveal the winner of each game which had been already conducted earlier. The winner of each game was given a good present from the committee.  They looked really happy and enjoy the event.  Intercultural Festival was officially closed by a firework show which was really amazing and beautiful. All of the participants and visitors were having a good time and also for the committee itself.


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