
ASEAN Language Workshop

Tue, 01 Dec 2015
5:06 pm

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Mozaik ASEAN

With the upcoming of AEC, we need to have an insight about the language of the fellow ASEAN member countries. Therefore International Office held ASEAN Language Workshop last week.

ASEAN Language Workshop was held on Saturday, November 21st 2015 in Chemical Engineering Department. The workshop was participated by students around Surabaya. The speakers for this workshop were native speaker of their respective country, Khaled Langsari from Thailand whom currently a Master student of ITS and the speakers from Malaysia are Khusnul Khotimah binti Aman, Balqis binti Mohammad, and Afiqah binti Abu Bakar.

The participants were divided into two classes. The first session began at 08.30 where the class A got the Thai language course and the class B get Malay language course. For the second session, class A got Thai and class B Malay. In the end of the course, they had simulation about the courses.

 After the break time, they trained cultural performance of Thailand and Malaysia, where class A performed Malaysian Culture, and class B performed Thailand Culture.

In the closing session, class A performed traditional  dance of Malaysia and class B performed basic Muay Thai of Thailand. The workshop closed by sharing session with the speakers and taking a group picture. Although the workshop only lasted for a day, by the end of the workshop, the participant and the speakers could bond very well and said they got a lot of fun. 

With the upcoming of AEC, we need to have an insight about the language of the fellow ASEAN member countries.  Therefore International Office held ASEAN Language Workshop last week.

ASEAN Language Workshop was held on Saturday, November 21st 2015 in Chemical Engineering Department. The workshop was participated by students around Surabaya. The speakers for this workshop were native speaker of their respective country, Khaled Langsari from Thailand whom currently a Master student of ITS and the speakers from Malaysia are Khusnul Khotimah binti Aman, Balqis binti Mohammad, and Afiqah binti Abu Bakar.

The participants were divided into two classes. The first session began at 08.30 where the class A got the Thai language course and the class B get Malay language course. For the second session, class A got Thai and class B Malay. In the end of the course, they had simulation about the courses.

 After the break time, they trained cultural performance of Thailand and Malaysia, where class A performed Malaysian Culture, and class B performed Thailand Culture.

In the closing session, class A performed traditional  dance of Malaysia and class B performed basic Muay Thai of Thailand. The workshop closed by sharing session with the speakers and taking a group picture. Although the workshop only lasted for a day, by the end of the workshop, the participant and the speakers could bond very well and said they got a lot of fun. 

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