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Last Friday, 4th March 2016 ITS International Office (ITS IO) and ITS International Student Association (IISA) collaborated and held a first International Student In Action (ISA). This event was held on Ruang Sidang LPPM 2nd floor at 14.00 WIB – 15.30. Special things about this event are this was the first collaboration between ITS IO and IISA and also the first ISA with Staff. The aim of this event is to engage ITS staff in ITS internalization by making them feel the international atmosphere itself. ITS IO and IISA design this event for staffs and international students to know each other closely through sharing session, and some games.
There were more that 50 people attended ISA with Staff, including some International students, volunteers ITS IO, and Staffs from various departments in ITS. First, as the opening everyone must introduce themselves in English, including name, origin, and personal images such as hobby, favorite food, or something else.Uniquely, some International student introduced themselves fluent in Indonesian. The sharing session was delivered by Ms. Ann, an internship staff on ITS IO from Belgium. She shared her experiences during the internship In ITS, Indonesia for almost a month and compared it with her home University.
Then the event continued with games called "Assemble the sentence". Before the games started, all the participants were divided into two groups, group one and group two. In this first game, each delegation must assemble clause, phrase, object, adverb, and anything else in English into good sentences in less than one minute. After this game, there was another game called "Retell after me". In this game the delegates of each group were given a few words and each group must develop a sentence for each word, which then would construct a good story. As the closing each group makes a food art from fruits. Group one made an erupted volcano and group two made a spaceship in outer space.
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