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Dear ITS Students,
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) Thailand are proudly presents "Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) 2017 at KMUTT Thailand". This program will be held on 4 – 11 March 2017.
GPBL is 10 days course based on Project. All through the project, students are expected not only to make a plan but also make a design, implementation and a fieldwork with the themes of ecology, energy, eco-tourism, community development, service, mobility, welfare and medical system, disaster prevention, multi-languange communication, user experience, innovation, education system, global leadership & others. Please check at GPBL orientation file from previous GPBL to get insight about this program Global PBL Orientation@SIT_20140214
For this time the participants are students from King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) Thailand, Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan & Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Indonesia with total participants around 40 – 50 Participants.
Please check the schedule in this file gPBL-Schedule_KMUTT 2017
KMUTT as the organizer will provide special 3 places for ITS Students. KMUTT will waive program fee, airport & drop off pick up and dorm. The selected ITS Students only responsible with roundtrip airfare ticket, travel insurance and meals.
This program eligible for ITS Students only with criteria below :
– D3 angkatan 2014 from all departments
– D4 & S1 angkatan 2014 & 2013 from all departments
– S1 Lintas Jalur all angkatan from all departments
– Alumni of Previous GPBL at KMUTT & GPBL at SIT are not allowed to apply this program
– Have a good english (oral & written)
For ITS students who interested to join this program, please prepare the documents below :
– Copy of English Proficiency Certificate, TOEFL / EFL min 477 or you can use IELTS/IBT (equal with TOEFL score 477)
– Statement Letter (please download from this link
– Scanned Passport
– Certificate of Enrollment
– an essay about one of the problem and the innovation solution for that problem. Please write it maximum 2 pages (Arial 10, margin 3,3,3,3) without mentioned your name in your essay (required). Please choose from one of topics below with study case Surabaya :
1. Waste Water Management
2. Integrated Transportation System
3. Smart City
4. Local Economic Development
5. Emerging IT for Society
6. Green Construction
7. Green Business
8. Sustainability Material
The incomplete & over deadline application will not process by Study Abroad Team.
Please submit all of your documents (softcopy and in PDF Format) through Mr. Wahyu at with format subject Apply_GPBL2017_Name_NRP.
Here's the timeline for selection of this program :
– Deadline applications : Saturday, January 7, 2017 ( maximum on 23.59 WIB )
– Documents Selections : 8 – 10 January 2017
– Announcement applicants for selections part : 11 January 2017 (via email & FB ITS International Office)
– Selection Process part 1 : Friday, 13 January 2017
– Selection Process part 2 : 14 or 15 January 2017
Please kindly note, The applicants must attend all the selection process & there is no online selections. The type of selection will be announced on the spot or will inform later through email.
If you have questions about this program please ask Mr. Wahyu at with subject (ASK)GPBL2017_KMUTT or come to find him at International Office.
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