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Greetings from ITS Surabaya!
CommTECH is an opportunity for university students, academics, and professionals from all over the world to learn about community and global issues through a variety of insightful but fun activities. The aim of the program is to facilitate a broad opportunity to better understand ITS's expertises and technology implementation in the society while visiting, discovering, and experiencing Indonesia's diverse heritage and culture. This year, CommTECH offers three courses namely Sub Course A: Sociopreneurship in Action, Sub Course B: Biomedical Engineering Innovation, and Sub Course C: Introduction to Game Programming
Yesterday was the first day of CommTECH Camp Insight 2017. The participants were welcomed by a traditional dance performance called Tari Zapin originated from Riau. After that, the event officially opened by the Rector of ITS, Prof. Joni Hermana followed by introduction to glances of ITS, departments related to the courses of the program and the program itself, and an introduction from the organizing committee with a surprise flash mob inside the rectorate main conference room.
After lunch, the participants were having Campus Tour. In this agenda, the CommTECH participants were taken around campus by visiting several locations such as the Central Library, Informatics Engineering Departement, Biology Departement, and National Electric Car Research Building (Molina). The participants learned how to make artificial seed in Biology Department and they were shown the products of Software Engineering Laboratory of Informatics Departement.
The first day of CommTECH was ended with a welcoming dinner at Plasa Dr. Angka. Not only having dinner, the participants also performed their special group performances that cheered up the moment.
You can see the excitement of the first day of the program through a video at the following link