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Dear ITS lecturers and researchers,
The 6th annual meeting of LoCARNet, incorporating the 3rd International Conference of Low Carbon Asia and Beyond (ICLCA) 2017, will be themed "Sustainable Low Carbon Emission Development in Asia". This conference is a joint agenda between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Institute for Global Environment and Strategies (IGES), CEE-PERDO, LoCARNet, as well as Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE). It will be held on November 1st-November 3rd in Bangkok, Thailand.
Topics included in this conference are:
-Building and Design -Behavior Change and Consumption
-Urban Development -Policies and Mechanisms
-Land Use and Agriculture -Energy System and Scenario
The deadline of abstract submission is April 15th.
Details on conference keynote speakers, subtopics, registration fees, as well as submission guidelines are available here
For more information, please visit or contact UTM Low Carbon Asia Research Center at or contact JGSEE-CEE at
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