
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) 2018 at SIT Japan

Thu, 21 Jun 2018
4:31 pm

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Dear ITS Students,

Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan are proudly presents "Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) 2018 at SIT Japan". This program will be held on 5-15 December 2018.

GPBL is 10 days course based on Project. All through the project, students are expected not only to make  a plan but also make a design, implementation and a fieldwork with the themes of ecology, energy, eco-tourism, community development, service, mobility, welfare and medical system, disaster prevention, multi-languange communication, user experience, innovation, education system, global leadership & others. Please check at GPBL orientation file from previous GPBL to get insight about this program Global PBL Orientation@SIT_20140214

or you may check throgh this video :

Please check the schedule and other information in this file : 

GPBL 2018 SIT Jadwal


The participants must responsible with their roundtrip airfare ticket, meals, dorm fee, visa, trip, local transportation.

However, SIT will give 3 Scholarship from JASSO for 3 ITS Students. The selected ITS students will get  JPY80,000 /student.

This program only open for ITS Students with criteria below :

– D3 ITS students all departments only for batch 2016

– D4 & S1 ITS Students all departments only for batch 2015 & 2016

– S1 Lintas Jalur all departments only for batch 2017

– Alumni of Previous GPBL at KMUTT & GPBL at SIT are not allowed to apply this program

– Have a good english (oral & written)

– GPA min 3.00

– The applicants must attend all the selection process

For ITS students who interested to join this program, please prepare the documents below :

– CV (max 2 pages)

– Official Academic Transcript in English Version (the latest one)

– Scanned Passport Page Information (minimum 1 year valid)

– Scanned Valid English Proficiency Certificate. You can use TOEFL/IELTS/IBT/EFL (Valid means your TOEFL/IELTS/IBT/EFL certificate is no longer than 2 years from your test date. Your TOEFL/EFL must valid at least minimum until September 2018). TOEFL/EFL minimum 477

– Statement of Enrollment

– Scanned of ID students

– The latest formal portrait photo with white background

Please make sure before you submit your application. You've read information about the documents through this link

The incomplete application will not process by Study Abroad Team. There is no tolerance for anyone who want submit the documents late

Please submit all of your documents (softcopy and in PDF Format) through Mr. Wahyu at with format subject Apply_GPBL2018atSIT_Name_NRP. 

Here's the timeline for selection of this program :

– Deadline application: August 15, 2018 ( maximum on 16.00 WIB)

– Documents selection result annoucement and Essay online submission: Deadline August 18, 2018 

– Selection Process part 1 ( Interview, Project Planning, FGD, Internal review ) : 20 – 25 August 2018 ( the selection will be held several days during the date)

– Selection Process part 2 (Final Presentation) :  28 or 29 August 2018

The applicants must attend all the selection process. The type of selection will be announced on the spot or will inform later through email. There is no online selection

If you have any questions related to this program. Please contact Mr. Wahyu at with subject (ASK)_GPBL2018SIT





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