
English Boot Camp (EBC) 2019

Thu, 28 Mar 2019
6:56 pm
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Oleh : itsinternational2   |


In February 2019, Directorate of International Relation ITS had held English Boot Camp (EBC) Program. This was the first initiated program in collaboration with Soka University, Japan. 16 participants, which are Soka University Students, accompanied by one lecturer (Associate Prof. Shinjiro Sato) and 9 ITS Students acted as their “buddy”, had participated in this program. Collaborating with Centre for Languages and Culture ITS, EBC aims to train English language skill in order to be able to compete globally. The duration of this program was two and a half week, starting from February 25th, 2019 until March 13th, 2019.

In facing global competition, mastering the English language are essentials for college students in order to interact and communicate actively. Therefore, learning English followed by direct interaction with foreign people are important to grow the confidence from the students and as the media for direct practice.

Not only learning English, in this program, participants were also being introduced to Indonesian culture such as Saman Dance, Angklung, Making Batik, and many more. And as our commitment to Surabaya City to give the positive impact from our programs, we also involved several SMEs like Kampung Tempe Tenggilis Kauman, Kampung Herbal Genteng Candirejo and Kampung Bordir Rungkut for SME visitation agenda. This agenda gave a chance to participants to see directly the production process, hear the story behind, taste the product, and give direct feedback regarding the production process or the product itself.

At the end of the program, participants were assigned to run the “Fun Science Experiment” program with students in SDN 1 Klampis Ngasem with the target students from grade 4 and 5. In this session, participants shared the knowledge and encouraged the students to actively communicate in English and be creative during the experiment.

Hopefully, this program will strengthen the relationship between ITS and Soka University and give many positive impacts for Surabaya and Indonesia.


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