
Humanitarian Affairs: Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders

Sat, 26 Oct 2019
7:04 pm
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Dear ITS students,

We would like to invite between 5 to 7 outstanding young student leaders to represent our prestigious ITS of higher learning at the 2020 Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand from February 5 to 7, 2020.

Humanitarian Affairs is affiliated to United Nations Global Compact, World Association of Non-Governmental Organization, International Association for Voluntary Efforts and the World Alliance for Citizens Participation. The mission of Humanitarian Affairs is to empower young people and inspire youth who are passionate about positive social change. We aim to equip young emerging leaders with the right skills and tools to spark a generation of dynamic individuals paving the way for social change.

Humanitarian Affairs Asia is organising the 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders. The summit aims to gather young leaders from different parts of the world to give them a new perspective and a broader understanding on peace building. The summit features keynote speakers, networking sessions and interactive workshops to prepare and empower young leaders to be a champion of peace.

The summit aims to:
1. Encourage delegates to creatively think about practical ways to affect positive change within their communities through social projects.
2. Promote peace and non-violence as a form of effective diplomacy among emerging global leaders.
3. Encourage delegates to think about social issues that the global community faces today, and to apply critical thinking skills on solutions to these challenges.
4. Provide access to unique educational opportunities in which delegates can learn knowledge in peacebuilding.

Benefits for students:
1. Opportunity to initiate peace building efforts as a Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador for a period of up to 1-year.
2. Network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about Peace.
3. Add to their social impact experiences and enhanced their global citizenship education.

Pre-requisites for delegates:
1. Applicants should be between the ages of 17-35 years old.
2. They should be passionate about social change, global issues and current affairs.
3. A self-initiated 1-year opportunity to promote peace as a Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador.

To facilitate with the promotion of this unique global opportunity for students, we have attached the following items :

  1. Peace Summit Poster – This is useful as a primary form of promotion to your students (placing it on bulletin boards, school website, social media etc.)
  2. Peace Summit Brochure – This can be forwarded in an email blast to students giving them more information on the cost and details of this opportunity.
  3. Fundraising Guide – For students who are looking for some suggested fundraising ideas and a copy of the sample sponsorship letter. (Click here for Fundraising Guide 2020)
  4. Delegate Application Form – For interested students to complete and send it to us at

For more information about the summit, speakers and registration, please refer to the attached brochure and click here for the post event report of the previous summit. Also, you may have a look at the previous Peace Summit video.


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