
GCW Online Training Series June 2020: Learning How to Make a Proper CV, Motivation Letter, and Professional Business Letter

Wed, 01 Jul 2020
4:49 am
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Global Competencies Workshop (GCW) Online 2020 is the new form of GCW Non-Degree and GCW Degree which was held online in order to run smoothly as planned in the middle of the current pandemic situation. GCW aims to prepare ITS students applying various programs including degree programs as well as non-degree programs such as student exchange, short program, and internship. GCW Online was held on several platforms including Instagram and Zoom Online Meeting. GCW Online is a series of weekly sessions starting in June 2020 and finishing in August 2020.

In June, a training session of the GCW Online 2020 event series has been held. The training session was divided into three sessions with three topics including How to Make a Proper CV, Motivation Letter, as well as Professional Business Letter. The topic materials were delivered by several ITS students and ITS alumni who have adequate experiences on the related topic as well as study abroad. The speakers explained the materials through IGTV and then the common mistakes were discussed in the Zoom Meeting session. The speakers also explained how to avoid the commonly made mistakes based on their knowledge and experience.

GCW Online 2020 has gained very good enthusiasm from both ITS students as well as non ITS students who joined in as participants. Every week, at least 100-205 participants joined GCW Online 2020. Participants are not only ITS students but also students of Universitas Islam Blitar, KMUTT, Telkom University, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Indonesia, UIN Bandung, UGM, UPN Veteran Jatim, Universitas Jember, PENS, and Universitas Negeri Malang.

The first session of GCW Online was held on Wednesday, 3 June 2020 started at 13.00 WIB through Instagram Live @itsinternationaloffice with the theme “Open Session: Question and Answer (QnA) GCW Online 2020”. On this opportunity, we collaborated with Mr. Faris Rafi Meitaputra as a volunteer of ITS Global Engagement in Internationalisation and Development Division to join as a speaker in the live session.

This session aims to share comprehensive information about GCW Online 2020. For an hour, Mr. Faris explained general information about GCW Online, material plan, and assessment mechanism, then, followed by Question and Answer session (QnA) on comment section Instagram Live. The recorded video of Instagram Live has been saved on @itsinternationaloffice IGTV by 3 June 2020 and has been watched up to 1,357 people.

On Monday, 8 June 2020, the first topic of GCW Online was published on @itsinternationaloffice. This topic was titled “How to make a proper CV”, presented by Ms. Lucky Caesar Direstiyani (Environmental Engineering Batch 2012 at ITS Surabaya, Master Degree of Science Program at Pusan National University, South Korea).

This topic aims to give a tutorial on how to construct a proper CV is so that based on the applied program. The total viewers on IGTV are 2,276 (per Tuesday, 30 June 2020 19.40 WIB). After watching and comprehending the material presented on IGTV, the participants were obliged to make their own CV based on various cases that were given by the committee, in order to complete the challenge quiz.

The zoom meeting session with Ms. Lucky was held on Saturday, 13 June 2020 at 15.00 WIB. It was open to the public. On this Zoom meeting, common mistakes that the participants made on their CV were discussed, followed by a Q&A session. The participants were enthusiastic. The questions were out of the box and intriguing, invoking the speaker to answer them in a detailed fashion. The Zoom meeting session was attended by 203 participants.

On the third week of GCW Online 2020, on Monday, 15 June 2020 to be exact, the topic Motivation Letter was delivered by Ms. Salma Arizka Putri, a student of Biology department in ITS batch of 2016.

According to Ms. Salma’s explanation, a motivation letter is one of the most important documents for applying to universities or study programs abroad because it allows the organiser to know the potentials that the applicants have. Hence why it is crucial for students to master the skill of writing a motivation letter.

After Ms. Salma delivered the materials through @itsinternationaloffice that has 1.961 views (by Tuesday, 30 June 2020), Ms. Salma discussed the commonly made mistakes in writing motivation letter through a Zoom meeting on Friday, 19 June 2020, on 16.00 WIB.

The zoom meeting went smoothly as expected. On the Q&A session, the participants were very enthusiastic and asked a bunch of really good and out of the box questions.

The Professional Business Letter topic was delivered on Monday, 22 June 2020 by Ms. Tri Hadiah Muliawati, S.ST., M.Kom. who is a lecturer in Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). Mastering the skill of writing a business letter properly is crucial for students who want to apply to universities of study programs abroad.

Ms. Tri explained how to write a business letter in the form of an email with a very detailed explanation from how to add recipients on email, writing an email subject properly, to how to make a signature. The materials were delivered by Ms. Tri through @itsinternationaloffice and have 1.508 views (by Tuesday, 30 June 2020). Then, Ms. Tri mentioned some commonly made mistakes and how to avoid and overcome that through a Zoom meeting on Saturday, 27 June 2020 at 19.00 WIB to be precise.

As an experienced person, Ms. Tri was able to share her experiences in writing business letters. At the end of the Zoom meeting, the participants asked a lot of questions to Ms. Tri which was answered very informatively based on her knowledge as well as experience.

By participating in GCW Online Training Series June 2020, we hope that the participants, especially ITS students can fully understand the corresponding program so that they will have a propensity to join all of the sessions of GCW Online 2020. Then, another output is the participants can be competent to make a proper CV, Motivation Letter, and Professional Business Letter so that increasing the chance to get accepted by the programs that they apply for is higher.


Bahasa Indonesia

Global Competencies Workshop (GCW) Online 2020 merupakan bentuk baru dari GCW Non-Degree dan GCW Degree dimana dilaksanakan secara online agar tetap berjalan dengan lancar di tengah situasi pandemi saat ini. GCW bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa ITS mengikuti berbagai program baik program degree maupun non-degree seperti student exchange, short program, dan internship. GCW Online dilaksanakan pada beberapa jenis platform di antaranya adalah Instagram dan Zoom Online Meeting. GCW Online merupakan serangkaian sesi mingguan yang dimulai pada bulan Juni dan berakhir pada bulan Agustus 2020.

Di bulan Juni, telah dilaksanakan sesi training dari rangkaian acara GCW Online 2020. Sesi training dibagi menjadi tiga sesi dengan tiga topik bahasan yaitu topik How to Make a Proper CV, Motivation Letter, serta Professional Business Letter. Materi topik bahasan disampaikan oleh beberapa mahasiswa serta alumni ITS yang memiliki pengalaman studi di luar negeri. Materi disampaikan melalui IGTV, lalu terdapat sesi interaktif untuk membahas common mistake dari quiz challenge yang diikuti peserta melalui zoom meeting. Di dalam Zoom meeting, dibahas beberapa kesalahan yang seringkali dilakukan, cara mengatasi atau mencegah kesalahan tersebut, serta sesi tanya jawab.

GCW Online 2020 mendapatkan antusiasme yang sangat baik dari mahasiswa ITS maupun mahasiswa non-ITS. Setiap minggunya, setidaknya 100-205 peserta mengikuti antusias mengikuti GCW Online 2020. Peserta tidak hanya merupakan mahasiswa ITS, namun juga terdapat mahasiswa Universitas Islam Blitar, KMUTT, Telkom University, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Indonesia, UIN Bandung, UGM, UPN Veteran Jatim, Universitas Jember, PENS, serta Universitas Negeri Malang.

Sesi pertama GCW Online 2020 diselenggarakan pada Rabu, 3 Juni 2020 pukul 13.00 WIB melalui Live Instagram @itsinternationaoffice dengan tema Open Session: Question and Answer (QnA) GCW Online 2020”. Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami bekerja sama dengan Faris Rafi Meitaputra selaku volunteer ITS Global Engagement divisi Internationalization & Development (ID) untuk bergabung menjadi pembicara dalam sesi live tersebut.

Sesi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang komprehensif terkait pengenalan GCW Online 2020. Selama satu jam kedepan, Faris memaparkan mengenai konsep GCW Online 2020 secara umum, rencana materi, dan mekanisme challenge quiz. Lalu, dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab pada kolom komentar Live Instagram. Rekaman video pada sesi ini telah disimpan pada IGTV @itsinternationaloffice pada 3 Juni 2020 dan telah disaksikan hingga 1,357 orang.

Pada hari Senin, 8 Juni 2020, topik pertama GCW Online yang berjudul “How to make a proper CV” diposting di IGTV @itsinternationaloffice. Topik ini membahas mengenai cara membuat CV yang benar, dibawakan oleh Lucky Caesar Direstiyani (Lulusan Teknik Lingkungan Angkatan 2012 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Program Magister Ilmu Pengetahuan di Universitas Nasional Pusan, Korea Selatan).

Topik ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi peserta tentang bagaimana caranya membuat CV yang benar dan sesuai propgram yang didaftar. Total penonton di IGTV adalah sebanyak 2.276 (per Selasa, 30 Juni 2020 19.40 WIB). Setelah menonton dan memahami materi yang dipresentasikan di IGTV, para peserta diminta untuk membuat CV berdasarkan simulasi program yang diberikan oleh panitia untuk menyelesaikan challenge quiz.

Sesi Zoom meeting dengan Lucky yang diadakan pada hari Sabtu, 13 Juni 2020 pukul 15.00 WIB, dibuka untuk umum. Pada Zoom meeting ini, kesalahan umum pada CV yang dilakukan oleh dibahas, diikuti oleh sesi tanya jawab. Para peserta sangat antusias. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dilontarkan sangat out of the box dan menarik, menuntut narasumber untuk menjawabnya secara rinci. Sesi pertemuan Zoom dihadiri oleh 203 peserta.

Pada minggu ketiga pelaksanaan GCW Online 2020, tepatnya pada hari Senin, 15 Juni 2020, materi Motivation Letter disampaikan oleh Salma Arizka Putri yang merupakan seorang mahasiswa Biologi ITS angkatan 2016.

Menurut penjelasan Salma, motivation letter merupakan salah satu syarat dokumen yang penting dalam pendaftaran universitas atau program studi di luar negeri yang bertujuan agar pihak penyelenggara mengetahui potensi yang dimiliki kandidat. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi mahasiswa untuk menguasai kemampuan menulis motivation letter.

Setelah menyampaikan materi melalui IGTV @itsinternationaloffice dan disaksikan oleh sebanyak 1.961 penonton (per Selasa, 30 Juni 2020), Salma membahas kesalahan yang sering dilakukan dalam penulisan motivation letter melalui Zoom pada hari Jumat, 19 Juni 2020 tepatnya pukul 16.00 WIB. Sesi Zoom berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai dengan harapan. Pada sesi tanya jawab, para peserta sangat antusias mengajukan pertanyaan yang sangat bagus dan out of the box.

Topik Professional Business Letter pada minggu keempat, tepatnya hari Senin, 22 Juni 2020, disampaikan oleh Ibu Tri Hadiah Muliawati, S.ST., M. Kom. yang merupakan seorang dosen di Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). Menguasai cara menulis Business Letter yang benar juga merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mendaftar program studi di luar negeri.

Dalam materi yang disampaikan Ibu Tri, dijelaskan cara menulis business letter dalam bentuk email. Materi dijelaskan dengan men-detail mulai dari cara menambahkan penerima email, menulis subjek email yang baik dan benar, menulis isi email, hingga membuat signature. Materi disampaikan Ibu Tri Melalui IGTV @itsinternationaloffice dan disaksikan oleh sebanyak 1.508 penonton (per Selasa, 30 Juni 2020), kemudian Ibu Tri menjelaskan kesalahan yang sering dilakukan serta cara mengatasinya melalui Zoom Meeting pada hari Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020 tepatnya pada pukul 19.00 WIB.

Sebagai seseorang yang berpengalaman, Ibu Tri dapat membagikan berbagai pengalamannya dalam menulis business letter. Jumlah peserta yang konsisten hingga topik terakhir ini menunjukkan antusiasme dari peserta GCW Online 2020 ini. Di akhir sesi Zoom, peserta mengajukan banyak pertanyaan yang berbobot serta penting seputar penulisan business letter dan dijawab oleh Ibu Tri dengan sangat informatif berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman beliau.

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