
Budcast Episode 1: NEW NORMAL PROTOCOL! ft. SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being)

Thu, 09 Jul 2020
5:51 am
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“Budcast”, short for “Buddy Podcast”, has officially launched its first episode with two special guests: Eva Felantsoa Ralantoarinaivo from Madagascar, who is under the Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) scholarship, and Dianda Fakhira, Eva’s buddy from ITS Global Engagement volunteers. In this episode, Eva and Kira converse with one another about the latest hot topic as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a casual setting. The hot topic adapted is the recent news of Indonesia transitioning into New Normal, which is linked to SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being. The main goal of the Budcast series is to serve as a medium for both the KNB students and his/her buddy to discuss with one another while promoting SDGs, which in this case is how the New Normal protocol the government issued is already in accordance with SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being. This first episode of Budcast also did an in-depth conversation about ITS students’ perspective on the pros and cons of implementing New Normal and the government’s efforts to maintain Good Health and Well-being of the people during the pandemic. Reaching the end, Eva and Kira played the Buddy Synchronization Test where memories of their moments together and knowledge about each other is put into test!


A big appreciation to Eva and Kira, who had deep knowledge of the topic discussed and really enjoyed being a part of the episode by passionately explaining their stories and reacted to the recent news of Indonesia’s transition into New Normal. A memorable moment of this pilot episode of Budcast would definitely be Eva and Kira’s reaction to an Instagram video of some Indonesians crowding and rushing inside a newly opened mall during the quarantine regardless of the pandemic and the protocol issued. Not just that, there was the Synchronization Buddy Test where Eva and Kira recalls their first meeting, first ITS Global Engagement event they participated in, and the memorable memories they had. The Synchronization Buddy Test session was filled with laughter and fond memories!

The output of Budcast is in the form of a podcast with video that is uploaded on ITS Global Engagement social media, specifically ITS GE’s Youtube channel and Instagram TV for the full episode. The pilot episode can be watched in Youtube through this link and in ITS GE’s Instagram TV through this  link.

We hope that this period of New Normal in Indonesia will attain the best results, be it for the national or international community, as well as in achieving SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being, in the long run. We wish the society will have a positive outlook on this decision made by the government.

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