
GCW Online Training Series August 2020: Parade Sharing on Further Studies

Fri, 25 Sep 2020
12:24 am
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After a series of GCW Online 2020 activities has been held in June and July 2020, it is finally time for series of events on the last month of GCW Online 2020 that took place in August 2020 carrying the theme “GCW Online Parade Sharing on Further Studies”. In the August session, the event was held by using Instagram Live and Zoom as the platform. Sharing session on Instagram Live aims to share the experiences regarding further studies abroad, starting from the scholarships available, requirements and important documents needed, tips on how to connect to a supervisor, campus character and learning methods on said campus, also the experiences of lectures/research during this pandemic period.

The first session on August was opened with the title “Further Studies in Japan and Germany” that was held on Wednesday, 5 August 2020, live on Instagram. During the session, two speakers shared their experiences during their further study abroad. The first speaker is Gianiti Claresta, alumni of Double degree Marine Engineering ITS batch of 2015, and a master student at Operation and Management of Maritime Systems Dept – Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business, and Design, Germany. The second speaker is Nurlatifah, S.Si., alumni of Chemistry ITS batch of 2013, and also a master student at Chemistry Departement – Kumamoto University, Japan with INPEX Scholarship Foundation Fall.

In the second week, on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 to be precise, a sharing session was held with the title “Further Studies in Australia and New Zealand” live on Instagram. Two speakers shared their experiences during their study abroad.

The first speaker is Bintang Ayu Nuraeni, S.T., alumni of the Material Engineering ITS batch of 2015, and a master student at Swinburne University, Australia in the Mechanical Engineering Dept with Research on Li-ion Battery RecyclingScholarship: AEGP (Automotive Graduate Program) funded by Australia’s Department of Industry Innovation and Science. Anton Frian Yohanes Reynaldo, S.T., alumni of Electrical Engineering ITS batch of 2012, and a Master of Energy Candidate at The University of Auckland, New Zealand Awardee of New Zealand Scholarship.

The series of GCW Online 2020 continued on the third week, on Wednesday, 19 August 2020 with the title “Further Studies in Italy and South Korea” live on Instagram. Two speakers shared their experiences during the session. Lisana Shidqina, alumni of Architecture ITS batch of 2009, was the first speaker of the session. She is also a master student in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, Politecnico di Milano, Piacenza Campus, Italy with an LPDP scholarship. The second speaker is Panggah Prabawa, alumni of Electrical Engineering ITS batch 2014 and a Master of Science Candidate at Chung-Ang University, South Korea Awardee of Chung-Ang Univ. Young Scientist Scholarship (CAYSS).

In the fourth week, GCW presents a special session by inviting a speaker who is currently taking their doctoral study abroad. The title that was carried was “Further Studies Doctoral Degree in Russia and the United Kingdom” and the session was held on Wednesday, 22 August 2020 live on Instagram.

There were two speakers two-speaker who share their experiences regarding their study abroad. The first speaker is Dika Ayu Safitri, S.T., M.T. alumni of Geomatics Engineering ITS batch of 2007, a Junior Lecturer at UNTAG Surabaya, and a doctoral student of Geoscience at Southern Federal University, Rostov, Russia with a Russian Government Scholarship. The second speaker is M. Yunan Fahmi, alumni of Ocean Engineering ITS batch of 2007, a Junior Lecturer at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and a doctoral student of Engineering at Aberdeen University, UK with a MORA scholarship.

The last session of GCW Online 2020 was completed with a very special session. The session discussed the requirements and documents needed to join an online program, fee, their experiences while joining an online program, and also the reasons why students should go global.

This last session was held via Zoom on Thursday, 27 August 2020. Three speakers were invited to the session. The first speaker is Bahalwan Apriansyah, S.T., M.B.A., a Junior Lecturer at Business Management Departement, alumni of Industrial Engineering ITS batch 2011, who took his Master Degree at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Taiwan starting from 2015 and finished it on 2017. The second speaker is Dicky Aditiya Kurniawan a student of Business Management ITS batch of 2017 and a Participant of UFMG Online Summer School 2020 on Brazilian Studies. The last speaker is Anisya Maharani, a student of Architecture ITS batch of 2017 and a participant of SDU (University of Southern Denmark) Online Summer School 2020 in the course “Urban Resilience”.

Mas Dicky and Mbak Anisya have different experiences regarding their online programs. Mas Dicky shared his experience regarding the online program in one of the Brazilian institution while Mbak Anisya experienced her online programs from an institution in Denmark. The discussion went very interesting when Pak Bahalwan presented the material on the importance of going global for university students.

The material presented was very informative, it was very interesting to follow because the background of each speaker is different and they presented it in a fun way. Other than that, the question and answer session made the discussion very interactive. This last session of GCW Online 2020 is expected to add insight regarding online programs and the desire to go global, even in this pandemic situation. Through this last session, students are expected to be more confident to prove themselves to compete internationally with their potentials, experiences, and also knowledge.

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