ITS as the UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) members would like to inform you several opportunities to do student exchange through UMAP in 2020.
Students are not allowed to apply directly for these and it is required to apply through home institutions.
A student can apply for up to three courses at the same time from the course list offered by participating institutions. This condition aims to increase the number of participants in UMAP Exchange Online courses and provide students with as many opportunities as possible to participate.
As a general rule, students are not permitted to cancel or withdraw from a course for which they have been accepted. If a student cancels because of force majeure or contingent reasons, or he/she needs to cancel for personal reasons, he/she is required to inform the persons in charge at the host university/institution, as well as the UMAP International Secretariat through his/her home university/institution.
Students need to report the number of credits (in UCTS*) they are taking through UMAP Exchange Online to the UMAP International Secretariat. Host universities/institutions are requested to provide the same kind of transcript of records that they issue regularly to exchange students. Students and home coordinators will convert the credits to UCTS. For information about UCTS, please refer to the link:
for other documents & procedures details , please check link below :
List of UMAP Exchange Online Program 2020 by Participating Institutions
Application Procedure for UMAP Exchange Online Program 2020
Student Application Form for UMAP Online Program 2020
Send your queries and application to (Ms Yani)
Tohoku University Japan would like to inform you that the registration for Student Exchange Program application for Fall Semester
University of Ulsan (UoU) , South Korea would like to inform you that the registration for semester exchange application
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia would like to inform you that the registration for Spring semester exchange application (March