
5th Series P2P VPL in Engineering Fields: Cultivating Creativities to Promote Inventions

Sat, 24 Oct 2020
1:40 pm
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Virtual Public Lettures (VPL) in Engineering Fields returns on Saturday, October 24 2020 at 08.00 WIB (GMT+7) with the theme ‘Cultivating Creativities to Promote Inventions’. The theme was brought by Taufik, the Indonesian diaspora who works at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, assisted by Vita Lystianingrum as the moderator to guide the event.

On this occasion, Taufik explained the importance of cultivating creativity to create inventions. He also explained about the ways that can be done to create a learning atmosphere that can encourage student creativity at the university level. According to Taufik’s experience at Cal Poly State University, efforts to create and cultivate student creativity must be carried out starting from the smallest level, namely classes, continuing to departments, faculties, and universities. Various ways can be done to make this happen and Taufik also explained the methods done at Cal Poly State University with enthusiasm. Taufik also briefly mentioned patent rights.

After the material explanation session ended, the event was continued with a question and answer session. There were several questions asked of Taufik. The things that were asked were varied, such as how to create a creative learning atmosphere in virtual classes, the origin of creativity, how to create good inventions, to procedures for obtaining patents in the United States. In the end, all of these questions were answered by Taufik.

As a form of appreciation for Taufik’s active participation as a presenter, the committee gave a certificate of appreciation which unfortunately had to be submitted virtually through a PowerPoint presentation. Fortunately, the atmosphere of the event can still be felt by all participants in their respective places.

At the end of the event, Mohammad Syaroni Syawaludin as the MC invited all participants, committee members, and presenters to take pictures together, to capture the VPL moment this time. Because the time has shown at 10.00 WIB (GMT+7), this 5th series VPL event must also be ended. In closing, MC provided information about the dissemination competition which was held in conjunction with the P2P VPL event series (for more information, please visit here). If you haven’t had the opportunity to take part in the 5th series VPL, the recording of the event can be watched on the ITS Global Engagement YouTube channel and if you are interested in participating in the next VPL series, keep an eye on ITS Global Engagement social media.

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