
[UTAR] Call for Paper: 9th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics

Thu, 01 Jul 2021
8:03 pm
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Dear ITS students,

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia cordially invites you to join:

9th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics

Virtual Conference

DATE: 13th October 2021

Time: 8am to 6pm

Platform: Microsoft Team/Zoom


Theme: Fostering economic recovery: Balancing between lives and livelihoods


Call for Paper

The Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) is pleased to organize the 9th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance, and Economics (BAFE 2021) on 13th October 2021 in virtual mode. This conference aims to bring together researchers to present up-to-date works that contribute to new theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge. The conference invites theoretical and empirical papers on ALL aspects of business management, accounting, finance, and economics.

Conference Tracks: 

Track 1: Finance

Track 2: Accounting

Track 3: Digitalization in Finance and Accounting

Track 4: Industry, Health and Digital Economy

Track 5: Society and Sustainable Living

Track 6: Globalisation

Track 7: Operations management

Track 8: Organizational behavior

Track 9: Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Track 10: Digital marketing

Track 11: Pandemic-based Educational Research

Track 12: Educational Leadership and Educational Management

Track 13: Teaching and Learning for Social Sciences Programme

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please submit your complete draft of paper to There is no limitation on the numbers of submission per author. All papers will undergo a blind peer review process. You will be notified for acceptance decision in TWO (2) weeks after the submission. Accepted papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings with an ISBN.

Submission Guidelines:

The first page of the paper should contain title, name(s) of authors, affiliations, addresses, and email address (Corresponding Author). Abstract shall be not more than 250 words with at least three keywords. The length is limited to not more than 15 pages, excluding the first page, diagrams, tables, and references. The references are in APA style. Please submit your full paper in MSWORD format, in Arial size 10, justified alignment with 1.0 spacing, not later than 15th August 2021.


Important Dates:

Registration Fees

Amount (international)
Presenter (Members)USD 30
Presenter (Non-Members)USD 45
Student PresenterUSD 30
Staff and Student ParticipantUSD 15

*All payments are not refundable.
*The registration fee is inclusive of 6% Service Tax

*The full paper/manuscript should be emailed to by 15 August 2021.

*The payment/registration should be made by 1 September 2021.

*The registration fee includes e-admission to all sessions, e-conference materials, and e-proceeding.

*Presenter (Members)-Staff from UTAR & Staff from Co-Organiser

*The wire fees/transaction fees will be borne by presenter or participant

Full Paper Submission Template – Refer to Appendix 1

Registration Form – Refer to Appendix 2

For further detail:

Brochure : CLICK HERE


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