Asia University, Taiwan opens a virtual student exchange program for Spring Semester 2023 intake (starts on February 13, 2023 and ends on June 16, 2023) for ITS students. The tuition fee for this program is waived and a physical presence in Taiwan is not required since this program will be running online. Each student participating in the virtual exchange program will be charged
US$25 (twenty five dollars) for the delivery of transcripts and attendance certificate at the end of the program and the charge fee needs to be paid when students register.
Due to the regulations from Asia University, ITS Students are recommended to take partial exchange by taking courses from both ITS and Asia University. For example, ITS students take up to 3 courses only at Asia University virtually and take the rest of the courses at ITS physically. We encourage the applicants to apply prepare back up courses as anticipation in case the courses were suddenly cancelled due to the quota did not meet. Please pay attention to the schedule of selected courses from Asia University to make sure it will not have a time conflict with the courses schedule at ITS.
The list of courses offered by Asia University can be found here –> Course List for Spring 2023 (ITS students only allowed to take between 1 until 3 courses)
Please check the brochure here -> Brochure (Asia University offer the courses for free for our partner university students unless specified in the brochure with an asterisk (*))
Prospective students can visit Asia University website for detailed information about courses syllabus & department.
Please kindly pay attention that students need to transfer minimum 1 course. It would be great if you can transfer all the courses. Please kindly consult with your department about the courses selection and transfer credit process
This program is only eligible for ITS Students Diploma/S1 batch 2021 & 2020 and S2 batch all batch from related departments.
If you find yourself interested to join this program, please fill this application form -> Application Form
Required documents:
We will not process the incomplete application or late submission of the application
For ITS Students who interested to join this program please kindly submit your application through this form . All of your documents must be in PDF and collected in 1 (one) .zip/.rar file. If you have finished and submitted your Study Abroad Application form, YOU HAVE TO SEND email to confirming that you have filled out the Study Abroad Application Form and submit it. Please use this subject: “Confirmation Study Abroad Application_SpringAsiaUniv_NAME_NRP”. The submission deadline extended until 29 January 2023 ( 23.59 WIB). The Interview Session will be held on 30/31 January 2023.
If you have questions about this program, please send an email to Mr. Ade at with subject : ASK_SpringAsiaUniv
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