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Kumamoto University Japan is pleased to open application for 2016 Summer Program!
This program is offered by the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisiplinary Studies at Kumamoto University. It aims to provide international students who have an interest in studying abroad in Japan with a chance to experience life as an international student at Kumamoto University.
The program consists of (tentative) classroom lecturers on Japanese life and culture, first-hand cultural learning experience, guided educational field trips to famous sites within Kumamoto perfecture, and Japanese language classes (Japanese Course only). A certificate will be awarded to participants who pass the program successfully.
There are 2 courses provided:
Eligibility and Program Fee
Program fee (includes only accomodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast) is 60,000 Yen for English Course and 80,000 Yen for Japanese Course.The program fee will be collected cash once the participants arrive in Japan.
Documents Submission
Submit all documents directly to Kumamoto University Liaison Officer at ITS Campus no longer than Monday, May 2nd 2016 at 15.00 p.m
Scholarship Opportunity
Participants of this program may apply for JASSO scholarship in total amount of 80,000 Yen. To be eligible for applying the scholarship, participants need to:
There are limited number of scholarship provided. Only maximum 40 students could participate in each program. But it is a possibility to have less depending on how many application is received.
For documents submission and further information for this program, please directly contact: Kumamoto University (KU) Liaison Officer Gedung KPA / Dr. Angka, Sekretariat BIBV lantai 2 Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya Telp: 085100931258 /