KU+EPI Consortium

(Kumamoto University and Eastern Part of Indonesia Universities Consortium)

Brief overview

KU+EPI Consortium is an extended consortium between Kumamoto University (KU) and Eastern Part of Indonesia Universities Consortium (EPI UNET). This consortium aims to improve the quality of research through collaboration within its members, specifically to ensure that universities in regional parts of Eastern Indonesia can also contribute to quality research and publications. 5 EPI universities and KU have been working together under this consortium, however ITS has led 30 other universities to enjoy the benefits of this consortium.


  1. Kumamoto University
  2. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  3. Universitas Cenderawasih
  4. Universitas Mataram
  5. Universitas Nusa Cendana
  6. Universitas Sam Ratulangi

ITS activities highlights

Mobility for Graduate Students (Double Degree Program)

  1. 2013: 2 Doctoral students
  2. 2014: 1 Master students
  3. 2017: 2 Master students
  4. 2018: 1 Doctoral students

Integrated Short Programs (coordinated by ITS Surabaya)

  1. 21-29 Nopember 2017: CommTECH Integrated Initiative 2017
  2. 15-20 Nopember 2018: CommTECH Integrated Initiative 2018
  3. 20 – 23 Nopember 2019: Camp Nasional Internasionalisasi Mahasiswa


  • Various activities related to strengthening bilateral relationship in science, technology, education and innovation.


  • ITS contact: Assoc.Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D (Director of ITS Global Engagement); Ms. Cahyani (Staff of ITS Global Engagement)